(2) Diary of a Blind Albino Girl- Elvira's Sight

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Elvira's Sight (Diary of a blind albino girl)

Chapter One

Once class had started, I listened to others' conversations. Apparently Inez is going out with Alejandro, and Allegra hooked up with James. Did I care? Nope, not one bit.

"Elvira! Pay attention!" yelled Ms. Gudz.

I sighed.

"Yes Ms. Gudz- What ever you say Ms. Gudz."

I heard her chuckle at my sarcastic tone, and mumble something under her breath. The door opened, and I heard someone walk in. By the footsteps, I could tell that it was a guy. No girl in our school would walk so heavily.

"Hello. My name is Brendon, and I'm new here. This is the art class, correct?"

My jaw dropped. We must have a new student! I smiled to myself. Maybe he would talk to me, unlike all the other kids. Oh come on, who would talk to me, of all people.

Immediately after he spoke, whispers started. I heard Raina behind me, talking about how dreamy he was. W. O. W. I couldn't believe her. She had a boyfriend for crying out loud! She went on about his dreamy black hair, and his intriguing milky eyes, and his sexy Australian accent. What an airhead! His accent was British. I would know, seeing as I was born there.

The class was in a silent uproar, all talking about the new boy. I rolled my eyes. People get so excited about the stupidest things! If I actually used my accent, people would just laugh and call me a fake. But up walks this new kid, Brendon was it? And he just overturns the entire class. Un-be-lievable.

"Brendon! I was wondering when you'd show up! You can go take the seat next to Elvira," said Ms. Gudz.

Greaaatttttt. The insta-popular new kid gets to sit next to the freaky albino blind girl. Just. My. Luck. I waited for him to come sit by me, but I didn't hear footsteps.

"Ms, Gudz, is it? Uhm, where would Elvira be?" he asked.

"Elvira, raise your hand!" yelled Ms. Gudz.

I did so, and still, no footsteps. Was he stupid?

"Ms. Gudz, I can't see. I need you to actually lead me to her desk," he said timidly.

I gasped. He was blind! Like me! I couldn't believe it! That would make sense of his 'amazing milky eyes.' What are the chances? I heard Ms. Gudz lead him to my desk. Ciara barked quietly, and I shushed her.

New kid leaned over to me, and asked why there would be a dog in the room. I laughed, and told him it was my guide dog. He stiffened, then relaxed and let out a snigger.

"So you're blind too?" he asked.

I nodded, and then realized he couldn't see me. I mentally slapped me, before telling him that, yes, in fact I was blind. No need to add that I was albino, and ruin any chance I had with him.

I felt him pull back, and he whispered something. I could only make out that he said albino, girl, and who knows what else. How could he possibly know??

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