If all this wasn't frustrating enough, the D-rank 'missions' that the team were sent on, could not possibly be called missions, in Naruto, Kyaena, and surprisingly, Sasuke's, opinions. If Sakura had any thoughts, she kept them to herself. The 'missions' were more like 'errands'. So instead of wasted time with half-effort training days, they were wasting time weeding lawns, walking dogs, and other mundane things that ordinary people should have been more than capable of handling themselves, rather than bothering ninja.

Because of everything, Naruto was getting so angry that he was losing so much training time, that he was trying to push himself harder in what personal time was left him. Kyaena was worried about his attitude, despite understanding it, and had to constantly reign him in from doing things that would be too damaging to his body. No matter how resilient her energy made him, even she knew that being overly reckless would be pointless if he were knocked out for days due to the strain he was trying to place on himself. Then there was the matter of his studies, which were also limited, so much that Naruto wasn't even getting half of what he wanted done completed. Despite his frequent trips to the academy archives, his chakra training and jutsu studies were going far too slowly in Naruto's opinion.

With Naruto's patience wearing thinner and thinner, the D-rank missions they went on only became even more annoying, with more and more arguments occurring between Naruto and Sakura, and the rare derogatory quip from Sasuke. It didn't help that Kakashi forbade Naruto from using his shadow clones to try to get the 'missions' done quicker.

The latest 'mission' squad seven had completed, and in fact had completed three times previously already, involved a psychologically disturbed feline that didn't seem to know that domestic pets were supposed to be de-clawed. Such ignorance demonstrated when the freak of fur repeatedly managed to scratch up Naruto's face, despite his efforts to keep it away from his exposed skin.

The group were walking into the mission wing of the Hokage tower, Kakashi in front carrying the pet container that held the pissy pussy, and the three genin trailing behind.

'You know, I've never had a problem with animals before. I've always been careful not to provoke or threaten them, so they wouldn't have any reason to get nasty on me. I don't recall ever doing anything to that cat before the first time we had to catch it. And besides, it's a domesticated cat. Shouldn't that mean that it's more tame than wild cats?' Naruto thought as he listened to the frantic mewls of the caged beast... The cat, not Kyaena.

"Normally, I'd say yes, but there is something very disturbing about that... thing." Kyaena growled with an eye twitch. "I'm beginning to doubt that it really is a cat."

'But you said before that there isn't any demonic energy present. What else could it be?' Naruto wondered as Kyaena gave a snuff of aggravated thought.

A few steps to his right, Sakura was trying not to get caught as she kept glancing at Naruto.

'I wish Naruto would be willing to talk about it.' She thought. 'I saw that... cat, scratch Naruto's face to near ribbons not even an hour ago, and he's already completely healed! No marks or scars, just his normal whisker tattoos. Any ninja would consider that kind of ability to be invaluable, yet he acts as if it's taboo to even mention it!' Sakura tried to keep her face neutral as the team entered the briefing room. 'Since Iruka-sensei won't say anything about it, and mother won't talk about him, maybe I should try to ask Kakashi-sensei about it. After all, he does seem to have some kind of interest in Naruto.' She brought herself to attention as she stood in front of her superiors.

With their backs to the open wall balcony, sitting at a long table, were the Hokage, Iruka, and four clerks/records-keepers. In front of Sarutobi was an exceptionally wealthy-looking, and exceptionally... err... corpulent... woman, who looked up eagerly as Kakashi approached the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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