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Soul of the Seal: The Ninja Adventures by MrDust

 Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure & Friendship, Naruto U., Kyuubi/Kurama, Words: 221k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Feb 23, 2008Updated: Dec 27, 2009 Reveiws: 932

(AN: For disclaimer, see my profile, and also, help me with my goal to have it possible for submissions to display colored text!)


Soul of the Seal - Story 1 - Arc 1 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - "In the Grinder of War, 'Team' is Just 'Meat' Mislabeled."

The sun hadn't even topped the horizon when Naruto Uzumaki jumped out of bed. A short rinse in the shower, then a hearty breakfast passed quickly before he changed into the cloths he had set out with his equipment the night before.

A kunai and shuriken holster strapped to each leg, double ninkit packs on his back belt, and a backpack stuffed with as much of a variety of tools and equipment that Naruto could arrange. As he tightened his Hitai-ate on his head and slipped his goggles into his backpack, Kyaena sighed as he pulled the straps of the heavy pack up onto his shoulders.

"I said it last night, I'll say it again. I think you're over doing it." She yawned.

'Not a chance. I'm so close to finally being a ninja. I refuse to be unprepared for whatever the genin exam will be.' Naruto replied as he exited his apartment, locking the door behind him. 'But I swear, if I see a single questionnaire paper...'

"Well, the likelihood of a written exam in this case is ridiculous. So don't worry. And will you calm down please? I doubt if even half the village is up yet." Kyaena yawned again, before shaking her head to clear it.

'It's not my fault that most of the people in the village are lazy idiots.' Naruto snorted as he leapt down to street level. Since there wasn't hardly anyone around yet, he liked to walk down the street when the opportunity presented itself. It let him at least pretend to feel normal.

"Some people just don't have a reason to get up in the morning." Kyaena observed as she cleaned her tails.

Naruto made his way through the streets heading for the academy. He passed the occasional person who were poking their heads out windows and such as they were waking up, and tried to ignore their stares.

As he was turning down one street however, he stopped when he noticed a section of fence that was sideways. And dirty. And had two hands and a tuft of hair poking over the top. Naruto couldn't help but smirk as Kyaena giggled.

'Well well. Look who else got up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.' Naruto eyed the 'hidden' boy from a distance.

"As much as I'd like to find out what kind of craziness you two could cook up, your effort of getting up early this morning will be wasted if you get overly distracted." Kyaena noted with a tinge of disappointment.

'Yeah, unfortunately.' Naruto shook his head and started forward again.

As he was about to walk past, just before the 'hidden' opponent could make a move, Naruto whipped out six kunai that imbedded into the sheet, three to a side, pinning the boy to the fence.

"Wak! Hey! Lemme go!" Konohamaru struggled against his cover-turned-restraint.

Naruto walked over and lightly rapped his knuckle on the top of the boy's head, making him go still.

"So. Is there something you wanted to talk to me about, Konohamaru?" Naruto asked in amusement as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Ha! So you saw through my disguise again! That was a slick move Naruto! That's why I respect you as a rival!" Konohamaru's muffled words seeped through the cloth still holding him in place.

Soul of the Seal: The Ninja ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now