chapter 10: wake up

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marcus pov//
i shook luna because she kept passing out on me. i hate to have to shake her but she needs to stay awake.

luna-"what what happened?"

marcus-"you passed out."


marcus-"i don't know maybe because you were overheated or you hardly ate. what's going on luna why aren't you eating?"

luna-"i was never a big eater and i guess i just wasn't feeling well. which i don't feel well right now."

she got up and ran to the bathroom. i could hear her heaving. her head was down. she wasn't really throwing anything up cause she had no food in her system. i held her hair back and tied it. i sat down next to her and rubbed her back. she had tears coming down her face. i rubbed her back some more and told her it would be okay.

luna-"do you have ginger ale?"

marcus-"of course i will get some."

i went downstairs and got some ginger ale in a cup for her. martinus was coming down as i was going back up the steps.

martinus-"is she okay?"

marcus-"she is awake but she is throwing up now."

martinus-"oh no. can i see her?"


he followed me up but when i got back to the bathroom luna was sleeping on the floor. i got a towel and wiped her face. i picked her up and carried her to bed. i took off her jacket so she wouldn't get out. i just put a small blanket over her. i let her rest. i was tired anyways. martinus wanted to stay i could tell.

marcus-"do you want to stay here tonight too?"

martinus-"yes please."

so we both got in bed with luna. that sounded strange but whatever. it went me luna then martinus. we both wanted to keep her safe. surely we both fell asleep.

~next morning~

luna's pov//
i woke up to see the both marcus and martinus by my side. aw how cute they looked. i still felt really dizzy and my crutches were on the other side of the room. i would be going home today while the boys had school. i sat there and watched them sleep for a while. soon their alarms went off and they were both wide awake.

marcus-"ughhh monday. luna are you okay? why are you up so early."

luna-"i wanted to see you guys before you left. i will sleep some more at home anyways."

martinus-"school will be no fun without you."

martinus was pouting. marcus was still basically half asleep. i tried to walk but it hurt to much and the room starting to spin. i sat down quickly.

marcus-"i will get you your crutches don't worry."

once i had them i made my way downstairs, very slowly but i was there. i saw gerdanne downstairs and she looked super upset.

martinus-"mama are you okay?"

gerdanne-"oh yes boys i'm fine."

she was looking right at me with sad eyes.

luna-"what happened?"

gerdanne-"luna i'm sorry both of your parents were in a car accident. they didn't make it."

i looked at her in shock. i felt dizzy again and suddenly fell to the floor. i felt a shaking again.

"luna! luna!"

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