The babies

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Frisk pov:

I stared down at my stomach frowning, I look fat. I crossed my arms, and sat down on me, and G's bed."I still don't understand how I'm already so big it's only been 3 months..."I pinched at my stomach gently, and sighed. I quickly snatched the my phone off my pillow, and typed in my password. I pressed contacts, and G's name. The phone rang for a little, until a deep voice answered."Hello?"The deep sexy voice asked. It sent shivers down my spine, when I heard G's voice it was always so strange."hey"I chirped through the phone."Oh hey baby! What up?"My eyes wandered around our rather big room."Well uh the baby's been kicking and i was wondering-"Before I could even finish my sentence, G stood straight in front of me. I practically jumped, as G's smile widened."Can I hear? Are they kicking right now? Are they ok? Does Alphys need to check-"Now it was my turn to interrupt G. I quickly pulled my man down to my level, and placed a kiss onto his forehead."There fine calm down.."I whispered. I grunted slightly when I felt the baby kick."Little devil"I cursed, my hand slightly patting my stomach in effort to calm the relentless baby."Baby"G cooed, his thick voice sending shivers throughout my small body. G gently pressed the side of his skull against my stomach, his normal grin widening when he began to hear the babies relentless kicks. G pulled away, and the babies kicks stopped?"I can't believe we'll be parents really soon the baby should be coming any day!"I looked at the skeleton confused. I was about to correct, when a pain of over 100 began to ring through my body, the shivers no more."Ah f-fuck"I cursed. Before i even knew it, i wasn't sitting on the bed, I was being carried down the hall by imaginable speed, by G."Babe don't worry!"G tried his best to comfort me, but it wasn't working, instead I just waved him off. G slid to a stop, when two wooden doors came into view, both reading Alphys lab. He practically kicked  in the doors."Alphys!!"He shouted, running over to a small dinosaur that looked like she was deep in her work. She turned around, and her eyes widened with realization, what was going on."S-sit her on there a-and grab m-me some gloves!!"G gently placed me onto a large metal table, the cool metal was cold to the touch. G then dashed off, when Alphys came over. She looked at me, and nodded."Her water broke on the way here!"G yelled from the other side of the lab. I helped take off my pants, and put on this gown that would help cover me up. G stood next to me after handing Alphys her gloves, probably worrying. I squeezed his hand, and smiled."I-it'll be f-fine"I stuttered. It wasn't going to be ok, it hurts so bad. Alphys gently spread my legs, and looked up at me."O-oh ok s-so your g-gonna have t-to p-p-push"Alphys was stuttering so hard, poor thing. I slightly nodded. My heart was beating so badly, as I did as Alphys said.

G's pov:

Frisk was doing so well, i wasn't, I was panicking. Alphys told me to leave, and I froze at first but I did as she asked hesitantly. I walked out of the door, and closed it behind me. I sighed, and let my eye sockets travel across, the empty hall. I saw Us Papy walk down the hall towards me."Hey G guess what!"He chuckled. I rose a non-existent eyebrow, and looked at the skeleton in confusion."What?"I asked, my voice still heavy, and cracky."I'm a dad now"I first didn't realize it but Papy was holding something in his hands? He came running over, and my eye sockets practically widened when I saw the adorable baby. She was slightly flickering? She was human for one minute, and then she'd be a skeleton the next what the hell?"Yeah Alphys was doing a check up and that's when chara went in labor". I rolled my non-existent eyes, and smirked."She's pretty adorable"I complimented, only to get a nod."I know"Papy smirked."Oh shut up you-"The door behind me slammed open, to reveal a stressed out Alphys. She grabbed me by the arm, and practically dragged me back inside closing the door on Papy. She let go of me, when we reached frisk. She was laying down with a small rolled up blanket hugged in her arms. I slowly peeked over, to see a cute little giggling baby. My smile widened even more, as I looked over the baby's details. She had a lot of frisk's details, but she still had some of mine. The baby had white hair, and white pupils."s-shes so kawaii!"Alphys giggled. I ignored the dinosaur female, and stuck my boney finger right next to her tiny hands. She grabbed my finger, which caused her to giggle even louder. Alphys soon walked by again, with a small bag."Here t-take this i-its f-formula for t-the baby"Thats when it hit me, we didn't even name her! I gently shook frisk, until she turned her face towards me. I never really knew when she was sleeping, because of her closed eyes so..I just had to trust on my instincts."Hey baby you did so well and well uh what do you wanna name her?"I asked, stroking my hand through her brown messy hair."I have the perfect idea"Frisk cracky voice, saddened me. She sounded so sad, and slightly out of breath."Ha! What about Girks!"I practically cringed at my own statement.'That went along so much better in my head'Frisk giggled slightly, and held the baby up closer to her face. She pecked the baby ever so gently on the forehead, before looking back at me."Reagan"Is all frisk said, before somehow falling back asleep.

"My baby Reagan..."

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