The Lipstick Is a Dead Giveaway

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[a/n] 1000 VOTES?!?! You guys are seriously incredible and I love each and every one of you. Updates are slow with the new semester starting, sorry. Also I aimed for this book to have about 20 chapters and then potentially an epilogue, and this is chapter 17... Just so you are aware <3

Warning: gets smutty halfway through sorry bout it

Mitch's POV

"Hey, mom! Is now an okay time?" I greet my mother via FaceTime. Scott stayed after his last class today to get dinner with some classmates, so I have the room to myself for a bit.

"Honey! I love hearing from you unexpectedly, it's always a good time! Is everything okay?" Nel waves enthusiastically and holds the phone entirely too close to her face. I've told her repeatedly that she shouldn't, and yet...

"Yeah, ma, things are good. Just studying this weekend, all my finals are next week. The end of the semester is stressful, but I love that these classes will all be over so soon."

"That's great, sweetie. I'm sure you're doing fabulously. Hold on... MIKE! Mitchie is on the phone! Just a second honey, your father's on his way." I wait for a moment before the camera is swinging wildly and I briefly get a close-up of one of my dad's nostrils before his full face makes it into the frame.

"Mitch! How ya doing, kiddo? We miss you!"

"Miss you too, dad. I'm good. I was just telling ma about how the semester is wrapping up." They seem to have leaned my mom's phone against something in the kitchen so I can finally see both of them and they're not blurry. They're grinning widely at me, and are obviously waiting for me to say something, like I called with news. Which I guess I kind of did... I was vaguely planning on telling them about Scott. But now that they're here looking at me, I'm starting to feel nervous. What if they're mad? They love me, and know I'm gay, and want me to be happy, but... I feel like it's awkward to announce to your parents that you've been sharing a room with your boyfriend for the past several months without them knowing. I smile shakily back at them and make a snap decision to keep quiet about it for now.

"How's Scott?" Nel asks, as if prompting me. Why do moms always know when you're not saying something?

"He's good! He's out with friends right now, but he's doing well. Actually... I was wondering if we could have him visit us at some point during winter break? He's never been to SanFran and I know he'd love it."

"Definitely! We gotta get to know this kid you're living with, especially since you obviously love him." Ugh. Thanks, Mike. I know it's not what he means, but I hope I don't have a blush giving me away. They certainly shouldn't know how correct that is.

"Okay, great! Thanks, guys. I'll let him know and we can work out a time."

We wrap up the conversation eventually, after chatting a little more about school and hearing about what they've been up to. They've started taking cooking classes together! Crazy empty-nesters, feel like they can do whatever the hell they want now. As I end the call, I feel a pit in my stomach. I'm glad I at least asked permission for Scott to come stay with us, but I feel even guiltier that I got that permission with them thinking that we aren't together. I should tell them. But I just don't know how.

I hear the rustle of keys in the hallway and run over to the door to let Scott in. "Hey! How was dinner?"

"Baby!" he murmurs excitedly, wrapping his arms around me before even dropping his backpack. I feel the press of his lips to the top of my head and smile into his chest. A relationship with your freshman roommate is inadvisable at best, and ours is definitely complicated, but the way I feel about him makes it one hundred percent worth it. His smell makes my heart beat out of my chest, and his eyes make me weak at the knees, and his kisses... Well, I don't remember what his kisses do to me. I should check now... for science...

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