A Truthy Dare

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Mitch's POV

The entire first week went by as a blur. Classes were fine, I called my parents every night, at least to say goodnight, and I was pretty happy with how I was settling into college life. I wished I were a little less gay for Scott because frankly his beauty was distracting, and it just made living with him a bit awkward for me. Luckily, I don't think he noticed at all. That was the nice thing about straight-o's: they tended to be completely oblivious.

Monday night we had Avi and Kirstie over so we could try singing together for our a capella assignment, and honestly, I never wanted to stop singing with them. All of our voices were independently very good, but together we sounded ethereal. Scott's voice especially blew me away. His range was crazy, and every part of it was so buttery smooth, but it had an edge to it that was great for conveying emotion. I couldn't believe I'd been randomly assigned such an amazing talent as a roommate, and it just made me fall in love with this school that much more.

Scott took charge during our first practice and we arranged snippets of Beyonce songs to get a feeling for how our voices worked together. I suggested we just string the Beyonce songs together in chronological order and make a medley, and at first everyone agreed, but then Scott hesitated, looking uncomfortable.

"I don't really want to sing Beyonce for this, in front of the class... I love her, obviously, but I think it'd be better if we picked something else. Maybe something everyone would know? What if we did Radioactive, everyone loves that song..." He still seemed uncomfortable and he looked down, blushing slightly.

We started practicing Radioactive, and I immediately got why he wanted to switch songs. Him singing Radioactive was so much more masc. In the Bey songs he'd been singing in the higher part of his range, and his voice had a sassier edge when he was singing the Queen's lyrics. Now his voice was lower and rougher, and there was nothing feminine about it. He probably felt more comfortable singing like this in front of the class. Wouldn't want anyone to think he wasn't as hetero as possible... I had a few war flashbacks of back when I was still in the closet and would have done the exact same thing to try to convince myself and others that I was totally a manly man.

I was hardly a manly man though, and had come to terms with it now. Unfortunately, that meant I was fully aware when I started developing a big ass crush on Scott. Him taking charge of the group and being completely immersed in the arrangements, so deep in his element... it was just hot as fuck. His voice was damn sexy no matter what he was singing, and his passion was contagious. I just want to say, for the record, that while I immediately knew he was cute, it really was his personality that attracted me. I can be shallow as hell sometimes, but this time I think I like this boy through and through. So, obviously, I was completely screwed.

Friday night, I was planning on having a girls' night with Kirstie, but her roommate Kate had a bunch of people over at the last minute, so Kirstie asked if she could come over to my room instead. Around the same time, Avi popped in to our room to say he was ordering pizza and wanted to know if we wanted any. We ended up making a night of it, and ordered pizzas and cookies and all chilled in Avi and Kevin's room, watching a dumb movie on their TV.

"We should play a game," Kirstie stated once the movie ended. "I like you guys a lot but I feel like I hardly know you. What if we played... Never have I ever?"

"Kirst, that's totally a drinking game. We have no alcohol," I reminded her. "What about truth or dare?"

The other guys looked skeptical but soon we were all sat in a circle on the floor, and Kirstie was looking up truths and dares on her phone.

"Mmm... truth, I guess," Kevin decided. "I'm all for a fun dare, but normally they involve getting up and moving, and I'm too full to even try that right now."

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