Chapter 15

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I've never been brought down to my knees before.

I have always watched my Uncle bring those who defied him to their knees before they faced their end.

Was this my end?

It couldn't be, this couldn't be it. I would not leave the world of living, leaving my family and my friends without knowing where I am. Sighing, I look up to the guard.

"Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages", the guard explains to the king. "Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbage!" the merchant screams, glaring at us.

"Silence! Only the king can pass down judgment. What is your judgment, sire?", the guard questions, looking at the old man.

His eyes were different, one traveling while the other remained still. His green robe and crown that sparkled with jewels clearly showed that he was the king. Unlike the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom was happy to use jewels and other gems to decorate their fashion. Oh how I missed my simple clothing.

"Throw them....a feast!" the king proclaims with a wicked smile.

I glance down at the others, who's faces share the same expression.


"The people in my city have gotten fat from too many feasts, so I hope you like your chicken with no skin", the king chuckles, pointing at Aang with a chicken leg.

I turn towards the young Avatar, who holds his hands up, along with shaking his head, "Thanks, but I don't eat meat."

"How about you? I bet you like meat" the king states, looking over to Sokka, who looks amazed by the food. Stuffing the chicken leg into Sokka's mouth before heading back over to his own seat.

While Katara leans over to whisper to Aang, I look over to Sokka. "Keep your head held high, and don't speak unless spoken to", I whisper in his ear, "I don't know how royalty works in the Earth Kingdom, but in the Fire Nation, you respect those in power."

"Still don't expect me to shine your shoes", he quickly responds before lifting his head up high.

Shaking my head, I straighten myself, head held high. "So tell me, young bald one, where are you from?", the king questions from the other side of the table.

"Um...", Aang fumbles, "I'm from Kangaroo Island!"

"Oh, Kangaroo Island, eh? I hear that place is really hopping!" the king chuckles, but is only met with silence. Just when a cough goes through the air, Sokka squeaks out a deep laugh.

Snapping my head, I glare at him with Aang and Katara. "What? It was pretty funny!", Sokka states innocently.

Yawning, the king stretches his arms out, "Well, all these good jokes are making me tired. Guess it's time to hit the hay."

Just as I begin to turn my head, I catch something move through the air. Gasping, I watch as a chicken leg flies through the air, and directly at Aang. Fumbling back, Aang catches it in an airball, showing off his bending.

Still, in amazement of his bending, I watch as he slowly moves the air around the meat.

"There's an airbender in our presence, and not just any airbender. The Avatar!" the king cries out, standing up from his chair. My eyes shift to Aang's, as he quickly drops the check back onto his plate.

"Now, what do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Pippinpaddleopsicopolis?" the king asks, a smug smirk on his lips.

"Okay, you caught me", Aang says, holding up his hands in defeat, "I'm the Avatar. Doing my Avatar thing, keeping the world safe. Everything checks out. No firebenders here."

All three of my new friends send me a glance before Aang continues on.

"So, good work everybody!", he cheers, pulling Katara, Sokka and I aside, "Love each other, respect all life, and don't run with your spears. We'll see you next time!"

As we back up towards the door, the guards cross their spears. "You can't keep us here! Let us leave!" Katara accuses, glaring at the King.

Confused, the king holds up a leaf, "Lettuce leaf?"

Pulling a hand to his mouth, Sokka says "We're in serious trouble. This guy is nuts."

"Tomorrow, the Avatar will face three deadly challenges. But for now, the guards will escort you to your chamber" the king explains before his eyes catch mine "expect you, young water tribe girl, you shall stay here.

Not again. I pull a smile to my lips "Yes, your majesty, I would be honored." Ignoring the cries from my friends, I step forward, my head no longer held high.


"What do you need of me?" I question once Aang, Katara and Sokka are gone.

Every fiber of my being was terrified. He wouldn't try to hurt me? Would he? No, he wouldn't, his guards are still all around, b-

"I know who you are, Princess Azara of the Fire Nation" the king replies calmly. Gasps go through the room, some guards even taking a step forward, to protect their king.

My head jerks up, eyes wide, "How do you know who I am?"

"Your Grandfather, General Iroh is a good friend of mine. Tell me, why are you with the Avatar and some of his friends from the Water Tribe?" the king questions.

All thoughts of the king hurting me was gone. All that remained was the friendship he and Grandpa shared and how it could help me.

"I was traveling with the crowned Prince, Zuko and my Grandfather. We found and followed the Avatar until we reached the islands of Kyoshi. There was a training incident, which resulted in my injury, so the Avatar and his friends picked me up" I explain as professionally as I could.

He rubs his beard before responding, "I see. Azara, if I could get in contact with your Grandfather, would you like to go with him?" the king questions.

The question struck me hard. Should I go back to my family, well the bit that actually cares for me and is alive? Or do I follow with Aang, Katara and Sokka? I had only known them a few days, but, I grew close with them.

"I would like to go back to my Grandfather and Prince Zuko", I state calmly "But, can you tell Aang, Katara and Sokka that I am alright, and that you didn't kill me."

With a heavy snort, the old man falls into a laughing fit.

"Very well Azara, my guards will send you out at midnight."


With heavy feet, I move away from the guards, and towards the black ship that I had called home for so many years.

Moving forward, I step up the staircase, each step sending a wave of emotion through me.

Finally, I reach the top, where Grandpa, Zuko, Ren and the rest of the crew stand.

"Azara" Grandpa smiles proudly, opening up his arms. With tears forming in my eyes, I run forward.

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