{Did he ever bite you?}

{Yeah,... but only as a human.} God help me...

{So are you pregnant with his werewolf babies now?} My eyes shot open and I almost threw my phone like an active grenade.

{No!} I could practically see the grin on his face.

{Are you sure? I mean your mother would love them unconditionally. I used to have a puppy when I was your age, so I could help train them.} I was going to steal his cheesecake later and evil laugh through the whole night. He could not get away with making me laugh in such a serious situation! I shut off my phone and started my escape from the crowd. I decided to take a long way home to shake off my nerves. I knew that the paranoia I felt was real now. It was just the effect that Hunter had on me when he was in range. I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing while I shook snow out of my hair. You could just ask me.

I froze mid-step. The voice was Hunter's and it was too clear to be my imagination. I scanned my surroundings to see if my ears were playing tricks on me. Everyone was still at the parade so the streets were empty except for a...hawk? The large bird was perched on a fence a few feet away from me, and it's sharp yellow eyes showed nothing but condescension. Can a werewolf turn into a bird?

Loud laughter started booming from around the corner and a shirtless Hunter Sin came walking up to me. "Do I look light enough to fly anywhere, idiot?" how he managed to smile so freely while insulting me was amazing. Now that he was right in front of me, though, I had no idea what to say. He took my silence as a chance to continue, "My weight doesn't change much when I shift. I haven't been able to fly since I was like ten, and even then it was more like fancy falling." I said nothing.

"You want to know where I've been? I went a lot of places, honestly. Had to clear my head and get back in touch with the...wilder side of things. It took a while for me to figure out a plan. Then I had to make my case with the elder packs and reach out the royal family. Yeah, that sure took a while." He laughed by himself and I just stared at him. A while? "Well yeah, there was a lot of tracking down and traveling to do. It's not like everyone was in one place, Jake. It also wasn't easy convincing them to do all of this." I see.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to use your big boy words and talk. Even if I can hear you, it still feels awkward being the only one talking. Especially when your head is so quiet. What's the deal with that anyway?" He looked perfectly fine. Actually, he looked better and taller than last time we'd spoken. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head while I was gone? It feels like I'm talking to a wall." There was nothing to think about.

The cold weather had been holding down my anger since I saw him on stage, but now it exploded. I closed the distance and threw all of my weight into a right hook. There was a satisfying smack when it connected with his jaw and knocked him off balance. My fist hurt like hell as he crashed into the snow, but I ignored it. "You were gone for MONTHS! You didn't text or say you were coming back. You didn't tell me where you were headed. You just vanished off the face of the Earth and now you come back?"

"I asked you if you wanted to come with me,... and you said-"

"I was lying!" I roared. Maybe I wasn't thinking a hundred percent clearly, but my body was aching with emotions that I hadn't been dealing with at all. "You knew it too! Yet, you just left. No contact, nothing at all. Now you come here like this? For what!?" he tried rising to his feet but I knocked him back down before he could. "No! Sit!" I growled, my voice dropped an octave. He stared up at me completely stunned and wide-eyed. Finally, the smirk fell from his face.

"I...uhm...I..." was he serious? An angry silence filled the air and his shock turned into frustration. When his voice rang in my head, it caught me off guard. I didn't know what to do, alright

"What?" he shot to his feet in my moment of hesitation and tackled me. I tried throwing him off and using the few fighting techniques that I'd learned recently. He was unbelievably heavy and still a foot taller than me, so the fight ended with him pinning me to the cold floor. Fallen snow cushioned my head while he looked down at me with his furious green eyes. "Off!" he needed to get off me for a moment so I could deck him again.

No! He'd given up on using his voice and now his words sounded straight into my head. The frustration was even clearer now, but it was on both ends. I didn't know what to say to you. I was confused and unsure. My pack was in danger and I had to make a choice! So I left because it was the only option I had. I had every reason to leave, and you told me that you wanted to stay. So what choice did that leave me?

Then what would make him come back? It's not like anyone was chasing him after he left. Nothing changed!

God, you're such an idiot. I came back for you... his eyes softened and I became conscious of how close we were. From my position all, I could see was his face surrounded by the sky and falling snow. I had a hard time believing what he was saying. Did he really come back...just for me?

formatting this chapter was tricky. I normally don't underline when showing the mental side of their conversations, but I felt like this chapter had a lot and it would be too confusing without a clearer difference. Was it still too complicated to follow? let me know if you were lost in this chapter and think it need to be reworked. or leave a vote and comment if you liked it ;)

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