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"Oh." I felt a bit disappointed, but I understood perfectly. "Let's just go back to the previous topic, then..."

He asked the question that was obvious to come after mine regarding a profession.
"What about you?"

I smirked, with a proud look plastered in my face.
"I want to be a director. Make decent horror movies that will leave people terrified, with scary monsters and zombies and werewolves..."

He seemed surprised.
"A director? You seem more like the type of person that would go for something more quiet or calm...books, maybe?"

I snickered.
"Like what, a librarian? That would be so tedious."

"I was thinking author, but fine. Ditector, huh? Just make sure that the blonde girl doesn't get killed in the first 5 minutes. And hey, what's wrong with being a librarian? There are so many books that are so much better than certain people!"

I agreed.
"Or make the character-Watch out!" I looked down at his hand, watching as the fish tried to bite him, making him jump.
I heard Dipper yelp and drop the net, the fish swimming away vigorously and quickly.

Dipper looked at the water with a dumbfounded look, his mouth slightly open.
He didn't move at all, until his hands slowly raised to his head.

"No! No, no,no, no- I had it! No! Come on! It took me forever to catch one!"

I watched as he became disappointed, his face looking sad.
I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Argh! I will just try again later..." he said in frustration, beginning to walk to the shore, and throwing the net in the water.

I looked back at the water.
I'm sure we could catch it again if we already did it once...
I picked up the net, trying to set it again.

It looked sloppy and unprofessional, but still my best attempt.
Maybe...just leaving it like that would catch something...

I sighed, and walked back to the shore, the water making my ankles feel heavy.

I could see Dipper sitting on the bench, looking down in thought.

I walked to the bench, and I sat there, putting my shoes on. And them we just stood there, looking at the water.

"Oh well. We will get one next time." I said to the air, but loud enough to make it seem like I was talking directly to Dipper.
His eyes looked at me in a discreet movement, something that I could easily overlook, and then he closed his eyes, his head falling even further. He sighed, and bolted his head up to address me.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe tomorrow."

I nodded, and looked back at the lake, a cold breeze passing by us.
The sound of the water was relaxing and calm, making me feel at ease.
You don't get much of this if you live in the city. The most likely thing to get is a park with a small pond.

"It is peaceful over here, isn't it?" He sighed. "Too bad the water is too cold, though. A swim would do good."

I tilted my head, with a satisfied expression.

"Feels much better than at home. The lack of people in here make it much quieter." I muttered.

Dipper looked over at me with a hint of hapiness and confusion on his face, just like he acomplished something
"You clearly are not a people person."

I chuckled.
"Acquaintances don't combine very well with me...nor people in general. They think I'm weird."

At least the ones that are alive.

Looking Out For Mistletoe -ParapinesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz