"Geez girl what is all this?" She looked irritated.

"I know you love me, and you will do anything for this hone wali dulhan (soon to be bride) right?" I bashed her my eyelashes and gave her my most innocent little baby look. She would surrender. I knew her. I was smirking in my head knowing she couldn't resist.

She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. "What do you want?"

"Come with me to the park please? It will only take a few minutes I promise." 

"The park? Now? Why?" She narrowed her eyes and looked at me.

"Yes, Yes and I will explain on the way. Now lets go" I started gently pushing her towards the coats. We put on our coats and shoes. I was already wearing my scarf, since I hadn't taken it off since we came back from the mall. 

We were waking on the footpath in silence. I was happy that Zainab was the one going with me since she knew exactly when and what to say in different situations. But the silence was killing me. I needed a distraction from where I was headed right now.

"Hey Zainab thanks for going with me," I smiled at her.

"Don't worry about it. Do you want to talk about where exactly we are headed and why?" 

Right when I was about to answer her question truthfully and we were by the park a car stopped right by our sides and honked. We were both shocked and looked at the driver and to my surprise it was Hussain. 

"Hey girls what are you doing here?" He shot us his sweet smile.

"I don't know what are we doing here?" And Zainab looked at me with her eyes narrowed when I said this to her. I have no clue why I dropped the bomb on Zainab but looking at how her expressions quickly changed I knew she knew she was about to cover for me and I knew I would have to let her in on what on earth was going on here, well some bits of it. I still didn't know why I said it or needed a cover up for this. Ugh my mind was seriously not sane anymore. 

"Hey Hussain bhai, we were just out for a walk since Aisha here was feeling a bit restless at home with her being the center of attention," she laughed smoothly and continued "what are you doing here?" 

"Oh actually I just came to meet a friend but he just cancelled and then I saw you two here and thought I'd give you a lift." I could feel his eyes at me whilst my eyes were looking in the opposite direction into the park. 

"Oh thanks Hussain bhai but it's fine it's only like 10 minutes walk from here, we'll manage." She took my arm in hers and was about to walk away.

"No really it's fine I was on my way there anyways mom made me drop some things off for Aunty anyways, so it's fine, really." I looked at him, taking my eyes from the park, and then I looked at Zainab she was looking for some kind of confirmation or anything from my expression. I realized my expression was completely blank by the look on Zainabs face. 

"Yeah sure. It's fine let's go." I pushed gently to Zainab and whispered in her ear "let's just leave, it's fine." She looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

The car ride back was awkward even though it only lasted for like 5 minutes. 

When we arrived I quickly jumped out of the car and went inside trying to avoid any kind of conversation and headed straight to the living room where everyone else was and sat down with the other girls. The boys weren't there anymore. 

I could hear mom and Hussain from the kitchen laughing about something. And the girls here were still not over with talking about the ceremonies. Seriously how much could these girls talk. Mentally face palming I got up and excused myself and went to my room. I locked the door and took out my phone to text Zainab to tell people not to disturb me, I needed my beauty sleep. And also Samara since I hadn't talked to her all day which was weird. I took my phone out and saw 3 missed calls and a message all from one person.

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