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Hello everyone I am back yay!!!! If you haven't read the first and second book you should probably read them. Since I might not make sense on what's going on in this story. Now sit back and enjoy. 

Stiles P.O.V

"What do you mean you saw her." Jack screamed at me while walking back and forth. With his hands on his face trying to process everything I just told him. We just saw Alice today at school none of us went near her since we weren't sure if it was. But it was Alice she acted just like her we would of followed her all day but we lost her in lunch.

"Like we told you, Alice is back we saw her at school. Was she not in any of your classes." I asked him while Scott and Loki sat next me on both sides. Jack was looking down at the ground he is still in shock mode. While Scott was sitting back watch Jack freak out with the news. I think Jack is afraid since this could actually give him a chance to take back her for himself. Even if he is with Isaac and everything you could even tell Isaac was worried about it as well.

"I don't know I was too busy. Isaac and I were talking  and everything I didn't care about anything that was happening. So would you if you and Derek had classes together. But you don't since he is older than you." Jack shouted at me once more. I could see a smile go on Isaac face from him saying he didn't care about anything but him. That also made Scott calm a little from everything.

"Sorry but this girl is just like Alice. We were going to tell you once we saw you but we weren't sure if we were right or not. I didn't want to raise any ones spirits but it has to be her." I said looking up at him he had so much anger in his eyes. Like nothing I have ever seen before in my whole life time. He was about to say something when the front door open. Luke, Doc and Derek came into the room looking excused than anything. Loki imminently got up to go greet Doc with a hug. Doc looked down at him and you could imminently tell he knew something was wrong.

"What's going on here. Why is Loki sad right now and don't try lying to me." Doc said in a cold stern voice. While he brushed his hand in Loki's hair while his other hand hugged him even more. Everyone one backed up a little. Except for Jack he was still angry and everything.

"I think I am going to check on the kids." Isaac said before getting up and leaving the room. Heading downstairs to the kids rooms. Everyone went to sit down waiting for an explanation on what was going on right now. No one spoke for the first 15 minuets.

"Stiles, Scott and Loki said they saw Alice in school." Jack said rubbing his head from all of this drama going on. Derek, Doc, and Luke turned to face us.

"We swear it was her or my wolf wouldn't of said mate. Since wolves only mate once plus we watched her for a while. She did everything just like Alice it has to be her." Scott said playing with his fingers not looking up at all.

"Stiles is this true." Derek asked me placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head before looking at him.

"Yes we saw her it was her I am positive." I said to before turning my attention back to Jack who was looking at the ground.

"I will be the judge of that Stiles." Jack said to us standing up just as he said it Scott jumped up running over to him. Angry he was growling at him baring his teeth and everything. Jack was prepared you could she the electricity running through his hands.

"Why should you I was her mate. I should be the one to judge it Jack." Scott spit out to him. Jack just started to laugh. We all stared at him like he was insane even I thought he was. Well look at him when you think about his past even I would think he would end up like an insane person. Like who was it oh yea Peter look at him.

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