2. Angel

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"I'm so glad you could make it, Kara," Lena said, grinning at her friend. Clark Kent walked silently at her side, observing his surroundings. Lena prayed Kara and him were just friends, and for that, his constant presence bothered her. However, today marked a turning point in Lena's life, and she was determined to focus on the positive.

Kara nodded shyly, adjusting her glasses. "Of course, you're my friend Lena."

Lena bit her lip, shoving her hands in her coat pockets. Today, she was not only nervous about her speech, but Kara was here and she wanted to impress her. She was grateful for Kara's presence, but she ached for the possibility of more than just friendship. Kara didn't know that...yet, and Lena hadn't worked up the courage to make a move. However, Lena knew she needed at least one friend in National City, and she was afraid to ruin that. She wanted to change the Luthor image, and she hoped Kara could help her.

"Hey," Kara spoke softly, nudging Lena's shoulder. She glanced down, noticing for the first time that Kara was in fact shorter than her. "Clark and I need to go check on something really quick." Lena nodded, and watched Kara part through the crowd. She let out a deep breath. Lena felt safer with Kara around; she eased her nerves and made her giddy inside. So when she left, Lena hurried toward the stage to where her bodyguards awaited her. After a few minutes, she still couldn't locate her friend or Clark in the crowd. At that moment Lena knew that a friend wasn't going to protect her from a possible attack---she needed a superhero.

And by some chance, Lena caught a flash of blue in the sky, causing her to relax. At the top of the building to her right, she saw Superman, poised for any sign of attack. Also surrounding the perimeter was the FBI, agents disguised in the crowd. Lena suspected this was a result of the super hero's doings, and for that she was grateful. At the same time she couldn't help but wonder--where was Supergirl?

A bodyguard approached her then, leaning in close. "Ms. Luthor, you're set to begin in thirty seconds."

Lena nodded, pulling at her sleeves and nervously scanning the crowd for Kara. She caught a glimpse of her hidden in the mass. For a brief moment they made eye contact, Kara waving at Lena while managing to sneak in a subtle wink. Lena blushed. In that moment she felt an ache in her heart for Kara. She's so cute, she thought.

Lena was broken from her thoughts by the cheering from the crowd. She guessed her name had been introduced. She strode across the small stage, coming to a stop at the podium while she continued to greet the audience.

"Thank you," she spoke, quieting the people.

Lena suddenly became nervous, so she looked for Kara. Already, she was watching her, making Lena smirk. Kara gave her a thumbs up, and it took everything for Lena not to laugh. What a dork.

"Today marks a special event in history for Luthor Corp," she continued. "As CEO of my company, it is my duty to make a positive difference for our nation."

Lena continued to talk, confidence flowing through her with the protection of Kara. And well, Superman too.

"As of today, this company shall be known as, L-Corp," she announced, revealing a large stone sculpture of the company logo. The crowd began to clap until a large explosion behind Lena erupted, throwing her body across the stage. She collapsed abruptly, sending a shock down her body. She slowly sat up, clutching her shoulder. Frantically, she searched for Kara, but she was no where to be found.

"Damn it," she muttered to herself.

"Lena!" she heard a voice yell. Before she could do anything, a figure snatched her from the ground, shielding her. Another explosion went off just after, racking Lena's body. She glanced up at the person in front of her.

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