Chapter 17.x

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Chapter 17.x

Someone was following me.

I picked up my pace running as fast as I could away from the heart wrenching scene I had just seen as well as my unwanted follower.

“Kayleigh!” someone called, “Kayleigh wait!” I slowed as I recognised the voice and turned to face my best friend jogging up to me. She pulled me into a hug as she reached me.

“Are you okay? Of course you’re not! Stupid question May!” she muttered to herself. A bubble of laughter built up and flowed out of my mouth. I sighed she was an amazing friend.

She pulled back and looked me in the eyes, “Are you alright? Do I need to smash someone’s face in! Who upset you? Was it that bitch that was glaring at you earlier? No matter Lei I’ll get whoever it was. I’ll cut off her cheap extensions and rub tomato sauce all over her and dump a bag of flour on her head” she cackled,” and I’ll post it on Facebook! Ha!”

I stared at her amused. Such a crazy girl but I love my best friend. “I’m fine May” I sighed; “I just got a little upset” I half smiled as she narrowed her eyes.

“Little upset?!” she screeched and I winced, “I’ve never seen you like this! Little upset was when I smashed that angel stature you had. By accident!” she added quickly as I narrowed my eyes at her.

Humph! Yeah I remember that. “But seriously Lei, who was it who upset you?” I looked at her face which was full of concern for me and I choked out, “My mate is kissing some slut!”

“What!” she yelled, looking furious. She looked ready to do some serious harm.

“Yeah, I know I haven’t been the nicest to him but I only just found out about all this and now their throwing in a mate? You know why I can’t just accept him straight away.”

I watched May wince as she remembered what my ex-boyfriend did to me.

“I’ll be fine May. Go back and I’ll be there in a minute.”

“You sure?” she said pulling me into a hug.

“Yeah I’ll see you in a minute” I half smiled as I watched her nod and walk off, then it turned into a sigh as she was out of my sight.

“You ok?” I voice made me jump out of my thoughts and whirl around to face to stranger. My eyes narrowed as I realised it was the same boy who was stalking me earlier in the party.

“Yep I’m fine. I’ll just be going now” I went to walk off but he grabbed my arm. My pulse quickened. A load of thoughts run through my head: Who was he? Was he going to hurt me? Was he a rouge?

“I’m not going to hurt you” he murmured, “I just want to talk to you.” He lifted his head to look in my eyes and I gasped.

His eyes were swapping between brown and blue, they finally settled on blue. “What wrong with your eyes?!” I thoughtlessly blurted out. Then I blushed and covered my mouth, “Sorry never mind!”

He threw his head back and laughed looking at me amused. “I’m so sorry I don’t know why I said that. I just couldn’t help it. Are you angry? I’m sorry that was rude…” he cut off my babbling by covering my mouth with his hand.

“Are you always this annoying?” he asked seriously but I could see a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

I sighed at least he wasn’t going to hurt me cause I offended him.

“Sorry” I sighed.

He laughed, “It’s okay. Well my eyes just turned like this when I changed.” He stated.

“Oh. I’ve never seen eyes like yours before” I said mesmerised as they turned brown.

He shrugged letting go of my arm sitting on the ground and patting the space beside him.

“Sit” he said, “I’ll tell you why”

Curiosity outweighed everything else and I sat down turning to him expectantly.

“Well first I should tell you that hardly anyone knows about our kind and I mean that as in eyes changing colour kind.”

“So not all werewolves can do it?” I asked confused.

He snorted, “No”

“Well why not? Why do your change colour and not anyone else’s?” I asked impatiently.

He looked at me amused, “can I tell my story or are you going to continue interrupting?”

I pretended to zip my mouth and smiled at him cheekily, “please do continue”

“Ok. Well first off I should tell you that there are not only werewolves in the world.” He raised his eyebrows as I gasped and I shut up and waved him on, he nodded once before continuing, “there are also vampires, fairies, witches, wizards etc. a multi coloured werewolf is usually half werewolf and half something else, like in my case I’m half werewolf half wizard.” Wow I mouthed.

 He nodded seriously, “yeah we usually are placed on the royal guard or in council to help keep the peace in the world between all these species. But there are some who train others who have just found out about their werewolf abilities and some who take on those who choose not to follow our rules. Some have extraordinary powers that aid us in keeping the peace or tending to injured etc.”

“That’s so cool! So why are you here?” I asked curiously.

Suddenly he looked grave, “I’m here to collect you for training”

Oh em gee, I thought, did he just say me! And training! My life just got a heck of a lot difficult.

“Wha-what!” I stuttered shocked. Me? But I’m not a werewolf!

“What are you talking about? I’m not even a werewolf obviously you’ve got the wrong person. Are you sure it says Kayleigh Morgan on that sheet!” I asked as he pulled out an information sheet. He frowned, “Yes here we are. Kayleigh Ann Morgan”


“Um..great,” I sighed hunching my shoulders, as if things couldn’t be worse.

HEY : ) Chapter 17 is up :P x

I know its as surprise lol was to me to but i felt like writing today so..



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