Chapter 16.x (Edited)

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Chapter 16.x

“Hey” he sighed softly staring at May.

She blushed and replied, “Hi”. I swear his face was on the verge of cracking with the huge goofy smile he had on his face from her talking to him.

I sighed and rolled my eyes grabbing Mays hand and jerking her away from him.

“Can we go already?! You two can talk later!” I huffed impatiently dragging them back to the car. May laughed while my brother glared at me. I smirked at him.

“Still as impatient as ever I see” she said smiling up at me.

I winked down at her, “you know it!”

We were still laughing as we got into the car.

Driving back to the house was pretty boring. My brother was making googly eyes at May in the mirrors and the lovey dovey stuff was making me sick. I was more than thankful when we pulled up at the house. I eagerly pushed the door open to get out almost falling on my face.

“At last!” I pretended to kiss the ground,” I’ve never felt more ill in my life!” May laughed and I looked up and grinned at her. I stood up dusty myself off and bowed and winked at her.

My brother looked at me in distaste. I raised my eyebrows latching onto May, “Brother bring in May’s stuff! Thank you!”

I pulled May away from the car and faintly heard my brother call after me, “sure sis why not?” his sarcastic voice floated through the air towards us I turned towards him slightly and winked at him, “Thanks bro!”

May laughed and looked at me with thankful eyes and I frowned down at her, “What’s up sis?” she practically beamed back up at me, “Your brothers so dreamy!” she seemed to blank out and I scrunched up my eyebrows and shook her off. She looked at me surprised and slightly hurt but I exclaimed, “Eww! Your fanaticizing about my brother while touching me!!” I shuddered and stared at her in disgust.

She burst out laughing but her cheeks were beaming red, “Shut up! I was not!”

“Sure” I sarcastically nodded. I dodged the hit that she sent my way and ran into the house laughing.

“Hey! I was not!” she denied running over to me and leaping into the air tackling me to the floor.

I laughed and switched us around so I was pinning her down. I made kissy sounds at her, “Oh Xav I love you soooo much!”

She struggled and her red cheeks seemed to deeper in colour as she tried to get free “Shut up! You loveee Asher!” I gasped and a deep growl echoed around the hall, “I don’t!” I exclaimed before looking up at the congregating crowd I call family as well as some pack members.

“Um, hi?” I scrambled onto my feet pulling May up with me, “Um this is May” she politely waved to everyone embarrassed so I slung an arm around her shoulders, “She’s my sister from another mister” I laughed and May laughed with me.

“I’m gonna get you for embarrassing me” she whispered but I knew everyone could hear. “Bring it!” I whispered back grinning at her.

My pack was grinning at May and she looked creeped out and I burst out laughing, “Don’t worry May they are always like this. Come come! I’ll show you my room!” I dragged her up to my room and slammed the door shut.

“Oh my lord you didn’t tell me your brothers were so hot!” she gushed and I sighed. Long night this was going to be.

 A little while later Xavier knocked on my door nervously yet he tried not to show it by sporting a huge grin on his face. He came in and walked over to my bed I raised my eyebrows at him in question, " Yes bro?" 

He glanced at me quickly then at May who was blushing, "Can I borrow May for a bit?" Oh he was going to tell her already?

"Um why? Don't you think it's a bit soon..." I asked looking sideways at May. 

"Um no I don't" he said smiling nervously at May. 

"Ok then.." I said slowly narrowing my eyes in warning, as she stood up from my bed walking towards him. 

He nodded showing he understood my warning and led her out of the room. 

I paced the length of my room casually glancing at the door every minute. May was yet to return and to be honest I was worried about what her reaction was going to be to all of this. 

Finally the door opened and she came in her face expressionless. I stared at her in worry suddenly her face lit up and she was screaming, jumping up and down and I flinced. 

"OMG we're practically family now!" she squealed. I laughed, the hold-your-side type of laughing, and she stared at me in confusion.

"What...?" she asked her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. 

I wiped away my tears and grinned at her chuckling, "Here I was worrying about your reaction to the SECRET and all your concerned about is that we're going to be family?" I laughed at loud again but stopped suddenly when I noticed she wasn't laughing. 

"What's wrong May?" I asked worried when she didnt laugh to. She smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes, "That's just it" she said quietly, "You know I haven't really got a family and well now I'm part of yours. I don't care that you're all werewolves you've been more of a family to me since I've known you, heck, even to the rest of your family as mine has ever been to me"

"Oh May" I sighed quietly cuddling her, "I love that you're a part of my family now. Plus I've another accomplice to help me with my pranking of my brothers. Awesome!" 

She laughed looking at me like I was crazy but I grinned proudly at getting rid of the depressing conversation we were having. 

"Come on" I said pulling her up, "let's go prank my brothers in celebration of you joining our family!" 

She sternly pulled me to a stop, "No pain!" 

"Oh Man must you always take away my fun..." I grumbled as she pulled me out of the room. 

"Yes!" she laughed leading me down the stairs. 


“Come dance!” May begged me pouting up at me. I sighed and moaned, “Why don’t you go find Xav!”

“No! Come on!” she dragged me onto the dance floor and started grinding on me. I laughed and pushed her away,” Eww May!” I caught eyes with Xav who was staring at May with love adoring eyes and I waved him over. He came sauntering over grinning. I pushed May into his arms and ran away from them laughing. “Hey!” I heard May shout after me. I laughed and shook my head. She was so funny.

I wandered around the party talking to various people. I stopped frozen as I caught a guy following me. Should I tell someone?

I decided to leave it for now and danced towards the drinks. But as I got closer I spotted two people making out against the table and scrunched my nose up in disgust. Couldn’t they do that somewhere private? I hate people who do that.

I sighed approaching the table and intended to grab a beer but I got distracted. I’m sure I recognise that guy.

I sneaked a peak at his face and gasped.

The couple broke away and Malik looked like a deer caught in headlights. The slut smirked. 

“Oh god” he whispered horrified.

A half-sob escaped me as I realised what was happening and I couldn’t handle it and so I ran. I ran and ran till I couldn’t no more.

 Sorry for not uploading sooner :) x been so stressed and didnt have the motivation to write as my As level exams are in 3 months!! and im slightly panicking :/ and i get my first set of results in march for physics and i think im going to have to re-sit!! 

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