Chapter 14.x

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Chapter 14.x


Alpha Malik’s P.O.V

A scream tore through the air. My mate!

I leapt up running towards the trees my beta and her brothers on my tail. I shifted mid run and tore through the bushes at the end of the garden bolting in the direction of the scream.

My only thought was my mate was in trouble save her.

We skidded into the clearing to see a rouge bending over my mate. I growled low and deadly at him and he turned to face me smirking.

I growled one warning once when he turned back to my mate I leapt at him.

Jason’s POV

This is exactly why I didn’t want to associate her in my world. She means so much to me and being involved in this world sets her as a target, especially since she’s human.

This world is too dangerous for her but now she’s a part of it I will do my very best to protect her- no matter the consequence of any of my actions.

Seeing her being leapt at by that rouge was terrifying and I can see Alphas almost lost control of his wolf after all she’s his mate. I’m sure of it.

The consequences of losing a mate are beyond words. The pain and the feeling of not wanting to live, is very strong.

I wouldn’t wish that upon anybody. Even when rouges come onto our land killing them is the last thing we think of. Any other method is better before that, well it be making them join the pack or giving them a warning if it was a mistake. Generally we get new wolves crossing our territories that have no idea about boundaries.

I hope she’s not to shock up about this though….i don’t know what she’ll be like. We’ll support her. We will.

Kayleigh’s POV

The rouge wolf turned back to me and I went to dodge and run but the large wolf leapt at him growling. I squealed and jumped out of the way as they came tumbling towards me snarling and biting at each other.

For some strange reason I felt a surge of protectiveness for the large wolf almost as if I wanted to go kill the rouge that was biting him. A warm feeling spread inside me and I was starting to see red.

What on earth is going on?! Oh…it’ probably some freaky werewolf stuff actually.

Damn! I need some answers! As soon as we get back I’m demanding answers.

 I need them. Im fed up of being in the dark about everything.

Alpha’s P.O.V

I leapt at him growling and he growled back and so the fight began. I was slightly larger plus I was an Alpha which gave me a slight advantage against him.

Lunging back and forth each trying to get the upperhand.

My mate screamed as we tumbled towards her and I sighed in relief when she jumped out of the way.

My fury peaked though he could have hurt her and for that he will pay.

I felt a surge of determination coming from my mate and I panicked what if she did something stupid?

 I diverted my eyes to her for a second but that was enough for the rouge to tackle and pin me downgoing in for the kill shot. With a growl I twisted us around and nit his neck hard till he stopped breathing then jumped up and shook my fur out.

I looked down at the dead rouge before turning back to the others.

I looked back at my mate to see her frozen wide eyed in shock and fear? I paused, I had frightened my mate.

This was exactly what I had feared.

I walked towards her palms up showing i meant her no harm as she was probably frightened of me, which made me chuckle as it reminded me of a policeman approaching a suspect and the others to give me a dark look, “It’s alright Kay. It’s fine…”

“But…you…him…huh?” she stuttered gobsmacked and shaking with fear? Probably was.

i looked oher over quickly and she seemed fine thankfully.

Jason headed towards her and I growled lowly at him to back off but he threw me one quick glare before wrapping his arms around my mate.

My fury peaked again as someone else touched ,my mate he knew i hadnt got complete control yet.

I couldn’t help what happened next when my wolf took over. He was pissed that someone had the audacity to attack his mate then for her to be comforted by someone else? No he wasn’t having it.

I strolled towards her and took her out of his arms he growled lowly at me and I snapped back at him in my Alpha command voice and he bowed his head and backed off.

I felt slightly guilty but he knew I wasn’t in control because he couldn’t hear my thoughts.

I turned back to my mate to see her frozen staring at me with wide eyes. I couldn’t help but stare at her lips as she pursued them at me. the way she bit down on her lip almost made me lose my control but I reminded my wolf she doesn’t know anything yet.

“It’s alright Kay” I smiled down at her trying to reassure her, “lets go back to the house we have a lot to speak about.

She simply nodded still tensed up and followed stiffly after the others.

I sighed as she caught up to Jason demanding to know what the hell just happened.

I suppose that’s something I’m just going to have to learn to accept- her friendship with Jason.

I set off towards the house mulling over today thinking about how she will take the news…

Hi : )

Chapter uploaded thanks to SarahRoseCM asking me to : ) I would never have done it otherwise tonight lol thanks for the encouragement: Dx

Now please



On my story and I might upload another on the weekend : ) x please

Thanking you! :Dx

I Feel Tingles Touching You?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora