Chapter 7.x

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Chapter 7 up! Xxx





I came out of my dad’s office face beet-root red and murderously glaring at the rest of my family all sitting there innocently watching the television. I just had to endure 15 minutes of torture while they got of lightly?! No way!

I leant down to Jack and kissed him on the forehead. “Hey buddy can you go up to your room a second?” I asked between gritted teeth, but calmly.

Even making a bit of an effort to smile though I’m sure it came out like a grimace. He looked up at me and I resisted the urge to Awww.

“Sure!” he said happily, and he skipped out the room and up the stairs slamming his door. The sound of the television floated through the silence that was settling in the room as they finally noticed my presence.

“So” Stefan nervously started, “what’s up?” he looked around anxiously. His expression mirrored in all the rest of my families faces.

“What’s up?!” I screeched, flailing my arms, “after sending me to the fiery pitt of hell and severe embarrassment in DADDY’S OFFICE you say WHAT’S UP?!” my nostrils fared in anger.

“Yeah…” he trailed off, as I glared, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad!” he argued.

“YES! YES IT WAS! Oh God that was worse than Uncle’s Talk with me” I moaned, I put emphasis on talk as it wasn’t a talk more of a warning. I mean come on?! He sat down for like an hour explaining about the process and precautions needed, I mean we don’t study all this in school for a reason! I mean eww! My poor innocent mind at the time was scarred for months. I couldn’t even look at a boy the same way!

Their faces were wary and cautious. “You had better run!” I yelled, staring them down. They quickly shot onto their feet and sprinted in different directions. I sprinted after them dodging all the furniture in my way and chased them down.

I cornered Xavier first in the kitchen and smacked him across the head and flipped him on his back leaving him glaring at me while rubbing his back. I laughed at him then I headed after Jamie who was running in circles in the living room? I paused confused before I dived at him and flattened him on his back. “Say sorry!” I demanded, “or else!”

“Okay okay! I’m sorry!” he yelled.

 “Good!” I slapped him across the head and jumped onto my feet. I looked out the window to see Danny and Josh climbing the outside tree looking round the garden. They ducked into the tree house and disappeared. Oh they thought just because they are in a tree I can’t get them? Ha-ha so funny! NOT! I yanked open the door almost ripping it from its hinges, and sprinted out into the garden.

They spotted me coming and jumped into the tree next to the tree house as they fully knew I couldn’t reach them. A bit disgruntled I went to leave then a light bulb went off on top of my head- one of them would have to come down soon, whether it is because they become hungry or need to go to the bathroom.

I smirked as I realised this and plopped down on the grass and lay back on my hands and smirked at them. They looked down curiously before realisation dawned on them and they swapped anxious gazes before shouting out, “That’s not fair!”

“All’s fair in love and war!” I shouted back and threw my head back and laughed looking at them smugly. They looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes, how could they not know that saying?! It's from a famous book!...or something..? Isn't it? i shock my head to get rid of all the thoughts.

I settled down on the grass to watch how long they could last before one of them cannot take it any longer and come’s down. I watched them squirm for 10 minutes before Danny, who had been hopping around in obvious discomfort, jumped from the trees and sprinted towards the house heading for the bathroom.

I run towards him and leapt at him midstride my body turning. I tackled him to the ground and pinned him down, his hands above his head.

I sat on his chest and smiled at him smugly. This was an amazing form of pay-back. Believe me someone did this to me before. I shuddered as I remembered the embarrassment I suffered.

“I need the bathroom! Let me up now!” he screeched.

“No,” I said calmly. Soon he was almost bursting and he flipped us over and ripped himself out of my grip and sprinted to the house super-fast...almost at an inhuman pace.

 I lay in the position he left me in gazing at the door to which he’s disappeared through in shock. How did he do that?! He wa-was lik-like the speed of lightning! I thought stuttering.

 Okay! What on earth is happening here?! I thought surprised. I looked up at Josh hoping I wasn’t going crazy and he noticed it to! He looked away as I met his eyes.

My brow furrowed as I came to the conclusion their keeping something from me. To say I wasn’t hurt, well that would be a lie. Jamie! My own twin! Tears threatened to escape from my eyes but I forced them back. I will not show weakness or that I am in any way affected by it.

I looked up at Josh faking a surprised look and shrugged my shoulders. I walked towards the house and noticed in the reflection of the windows Josh sighing with relief.

I let myself in to the kitchen through the back door and headed for my room. Some peace and quiet is needed after such a stressful day.

My legs were acting of their own accord as I walked as my mind was focused entirely on this secret they don’t trust me with. It must be something big that they cannot share because Jamie tells me everything…well used to anyway.

I passed Jack on the way to my room and walked passed him not realising he was speaking to me.

“Lei??” his timid voice broke me out of my trance and I looked down at him.

“Oh hey little buddy!” I said surprised. I didn’t remember him being there? I shrugged, “you want something buddy?” I asked him.

“You coming down for dinner?” he asked turning his face from me looking at the wall. Awww so cute! “Sure buddy!” I cooed, “I’ll be down in a bit!”

His little face lit up and he clapped I giggled. He took off down the stairs humming all the way. I headed into my room and collapsed onto the bed staring up at the swirly patterns on the ceiling trying to explain all the strange things that are happening.

The last thought I had before I fell asleep was-I will find out what they are keeping from me if it’d the last thing I do…


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy! <3

Hope you enjoy! Jack’s just so cute!! Lol


Hey check out my new story? It is called Secrets and Spies. thanks! x

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