Chapter 5.x

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Hey guys! Sorry for not uploading lately! Been really busy! So sorry!

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 I sat there stealing side glances at all my brothers perched on the floor or on the remaining seats around the room. They hadn’t changed much. Stefan still had his messy array of blonde curls on the top of his head with piercing blue eyes. Josh and Danny had brown hair like me but with brown eyes but Josh had a scar on his nose from a skateboard incident that happened years ago. That was how we were able to tell who was who between them because they were identical twins.

Then there’s the most amazing twins in the world me and Jamie! I had long hair in ringlets that I inherited from my mum and bright blue eyes and Jamie also had brown hair but he had the most amazing eyes ever! They are like a dark green from the mix of brown and blue eyes genes from our parents. Xavier? He’s the most caring of the lot usually quite quiet but will speak out if he needs too. He has the blonde hair from dad with blue eyes too.

 Awww, and little Jack he got his hazel eyes from his mum but blonde hair from dad.  I won’t lie my brothers are totally hotter than they were when I left. It’s like they spend all day working out or something! Stefan looks huge!

I guess they noticed my not so conspicuous evaluating because they were gazing at me curiously.

“Are you taking steroids??” I demanded, “Because if you are you can look out! I don’t care that you’re supposed to be my brothers I will kick you into oblivion if I find out you are! No brothers of mine are going anywhere near drugs…” by now all my brothers were in hysterical fits of laughter.

“You...” Stefan chocked on his words, “you think we’re on steroids?!” I looked at them narrowing my eyes in anger, and they sobered up. “No dear sister we are not taking… steroids” they laughed again.

“Stop giggling like a fool and go do something!” I demanded waving them off with my hand.

Everything was quiet before they walked out of the room mumbling to themselves about me bossing them around. 

Jack remained behind coming over to me and I pulled him onto my lap cuddling him to me. My eyes wandered around the room gazing at all the pictures before stopping at one of my favourites.

 It was a picture of my complete family. My real mum and dad were sat in the garden under the shade of the tree as we all sat around them playing in the grass. Me and Jamie were holding hands with Xavier and we were running away from Danny and josh as they tried to grab us.

I laughed as I looked at Stefan in the picture standing my mum with a scowl on his face. He was disgruntled because he had already been caught.


Dad came through the door unshed tears glistening in his eyes. We all froze in the middle of fighting for control of the remote for the television. He just gazed at us with a blank expression but I knew he was upset. We all tensed as he opened his mouth to say something before closing it as if debating what to say.

He locked eyes with Stefan and Stefan burst into tears. I glanced at him shock written on my face. He wouldn’t meet any of our eyes and gazed at the floor. I looked around confused and so were Jamie and Xavier. I guess I’m not the only one not understanding what’s going on.

“Daddy? Where’s mommy?!” Xavier asked concerned, looking at Stefan, who was in tears and then back to dad.

“Mommy’s gone to heaven sweetie!” he cried, “she died in a... Car crash earlier.” I froze. So did my twin Jamie and Xavier.

I Feel Tingles Touching You?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora