Chapter 5

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I smiled cuddling into the warmth behind me. It was obvious that it was Demi due to her bare breast being against my back. Never been so lucky to be in this position though.

I opened my eyes seeing the sun coming up but, not just yet. Had to be somewhere around five or six in the morning. I sighed knowing there was no use to go back to sleep, I would regret it and I had work in a few hours anyway.

Maybe I should make breakfast.

I smiled feeling her breath lightly on my neck. I didn't want to move but, it would be great to make breakfast for everyone. It was usually Harry- Where was he anyway? I heard him come in last night and lay down next to me but, he was gone now.

I got out of her arms and off the bed stretching quietly. Hopefully he wasn't making breakfast, I wanted to surprise them. They always made breakfast, probably because I was always the last up but, it wasn't my fault. They tired me out.

I grabbed the lavender colored silk robe Demi bought me putting it on and heading down stairs quietly. No sight of him, maybe he headed to work early or something. I don't know, he usually left after us or worked from home but, I couldn't think of anything else.

I headed to the coffee machine cutting it on and filling it up with the fresh coffee thinking of what would be for breakfast.

"You're up early" I jumped turning to see Harry shirtless walking in the kitchen door smiling. I laughed turning to close the top and turn around smiling as he walked over to me pulling me in. I giggled when he pressed his lips to mine gently. I instantly wrapped my hands around his body as this warm feeling spread around my body. I felt his damp skin against mine and it only made pulling away harder.

"So are you. Hungry?" I asked looking down at his glistening tattooed body. Once I got back to his face he was smirking he nodded. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. "Just came from a run this early?" "Yeah. I've been slacking. I gotta stay in shape to be able to handle you two" he whispered pushing me against the counter as I bit my lip.

I laughed nodding "You seem to be doing very well to me. I should join you" I suggested pushing him back as I went to the fridge smiling. I needed to get my stamina up, especially with these two. They could go for hours and I needed breaks. Kind of made me nervous though, I don't think I could keep up with them just yet.

I took eggs, bacon and spinach out the fridge as he took a sip of his bottle of water. He swallowed smiling "If you want to, would be nice to have a running buddy" "What else do you like to do the stay in shape?" I asked placing everything on the counter looking up to him.

"A bit of boxing, martial arts and just hitting the gym" he said shrugging and I couldn't help but, smile excited. "Teach me how to box" I squealed jumping in my spot as he laughed nodding. It was something I always wanted to learn and my prayers were being answered.

"Trying to knock someone out?" he asked asking me suspicious raising his hands as if he was surrendering. I giggled "I would like to know how to defend myself better. I've hit people before but, I need some technique" He nodded licking his lips.

"I mean if you ever get out of line, might have to rough you up" I joked as he laughed showing his dimples. So cute. "You're so cute" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to take him, he was really strong but, nothing wrong with talking shit to annoy him. We wouldn't be us if we didn't get on each others nerves time from time.

"So... when we can we get started?" "After you get off today? We can start on the basics" I nodded smiling as I grabbed a pan preparing everything. He leaned on the counter watching me "So what's for breakfast?" "I was thinking omelets. Bacon, cheese and spinach omelets" I smiled hoping they would like it.

Yours, Mine and Ours (H.S. / Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now