“I'm not worried about whether I'll like them” I said under my breath , but Alex still heard me , and laughed .

“Relax “ He said , “They'll love you , trust me .”

Alex followed me into my room , and closed the curtains for me .

“Thanks” I said . He shrugged .

“You said your mom was excited about having a 'kind of' daughter . Don't you have any siblings ?” I asked .

Alex paused before answering . “I have two sisters” He said after a while , “They're half-sisters really , from my dad's first wife . They live in England , and they're both way older than me . We keep in touch , but we're not especially close .”

I nodded . “Do you see them often ?”

“I visit them , whenever we have a tour in England – along with some of my dad's family that live up there.” Alex shifted uncomfortably before saying “ It's good to keep in touch with your family . You'll never know if they'll have to … leave someday .”

I nodded . That concept I was familiar with .

The next morning , the alarm clock woke me . It sang along to a song I'd never heard before , and honestly , I hated it so I switched it off before it could get to the second line .

It was half nine , and Alex had told me we would be leaving around eleven , so I got up and took a quick shower .

In the room next door to mine , I could hear Pommie rustling around as well . She was going bowling today , I remembered .

Out of one of the bags of new clothes , I grabbed a pristine pair of dark skinny jeans and a pair of dark green Converse , which matched one of my own green sweatshirts . From my suitcase , I picked up the All Time Low shirt that Alex had slipped in when I first arrived , and pulled it over my head . I zipped the sweatshirt all the way up until it was completely covering the t-shirt .

I came downstairs fully dressed , to Alex snoring into his coffee .

“Wakey wakey” I whispered into his ear . He mumbled something into the drool saturated newspaper that lay beneath his head . I laughed , and poked .

“Come on , Alex . Wake up !”

He shifted his head this time , and finally opened his eyes to a squint .

“Morning Halo” He yawned , “What time is it ?”

“About ten , I'd say” I replied , “What time did you go to bed last night ? You look tired .”

Alex flipped me off casually . “You sound like my mom” He grumbled , then suddenly - “Oh shit , my mom !”

Alex made us both breakfast , and left a note for Rian and Pommie to say we'd left , and then we were off . His black SUV pulled out of the driveway , the dark windows showing nothing of who was inside .

“So the paparazzi won't know it's me” Alex explained , “Honestly , I don't think they'd care that much – unless I'm doing something stupid . Then I'm dead .”

We talked for most of the drive over , although as we neared the house my side of the conversation grew quieter and quieter . Alex noticed this , and shook his head at me .

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