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i jogged out onto the football pitch, smiling to harry and simon, harry returning it, but simon's gaze falling to the floor after only a small nod was sent in my direction.

i continued towards miss with a little sigh, confused of simon's actions, and we began to play football, taking my mind off simon for a short while.

"hey, si." i walked over to him at the end of pe as we walked back to the changing rooms.


"are you okay?" i asked softly, moving my hand to hold his jaw and tilt his face towards me, but he ducked away from my touch, mumbling his answer.

"yeah, i'm fine." he nodded, "i've got to go, sorry." he added, jogging off before i could reply.

"what's up with si?" i asked a moment later when harry caught up to me, "he won't smile at me, or even have a proper conversation."

"i don't know." harry frowned, "he's been kinda off with me, too."

"oh." i sighed, "well, i'll see you later. i'm gonna try and talk to him." i said, walking into the girls' changing rooms and getting changed quickly.

i walked out and noticed simon leaving the boys' changing rooms, a few metres in front of me.


"i said, i've gotta go." he snapped, not turning around to me.

"can i walk with you?" i quickened my pace slightly, in the hope of catching him up.

"i'm alright. go and walk with harry, i'm sure that'll be better." he scoffed, and i could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke, confusion once again lacing my mind as i gave up and ended up doing exactly what he'd said.

"hey, madi. did you speak to him?" harry smiled, walking out of the changing rooms.

"no, not really. he said he had to go and i asked if i could walk with him, but he said no i should just go with you, as it'll be better." i sighed, "i don't know what he means."

"oh. well, maybe he's just not in a good mood. try again later or something." harry suggested, "now, you up for nando's?"

i nodded, allowing a small grin to creep onto my lips as harry loosely slung his arm over my shoulder as we walked of campus, to nando's.

a.n. sorry it's short, i've been kinda busy ☹️

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