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"madison, look, i'm sorry about yesterday and tripping you. i was just kinda annoyed and worried.."

"it's okay, josh." i gave him a small smile.

"um, did you mean what you said?"


"about freya. does she deserve better?" josh mumbled and it softened my heart as i realised how much he cared about her.

"no, i was annoyed too, and she's lovely, so i felt the need to point out the difference between the two of you, in that moment. i'm sorry." i said, relief washing over his face, accompanying a small grin, "she's good for you."

"okay, thank you. and, um, it's cool if you are with simon, by the way."

i sighed internally at the mention of the blue eyed boy, "oh, well i'm not really." i mumbled and josh nodded, realising something was up, neither of us realising this would be furthered even more.

on friday night, i put on a short, strapless, plain black dress and applied light makeup, lydia curling my hair into loose waves.

she had on a grey dress and i did her makeup for her similarly to my own, before i drove to harry's house for his party as she drove to meet up with the guy she'd been on a previous date with, to go on another one.

"harry, thank you. i'm gonna go to sleep, see you in the morning." i smiled to him as he gave me a quick hug.

"alright madi, sleep well."

i walked upstairs, lightly knocking on the first bedroom door and walking in, seeing vikk cuddled up in bed, tobi on the floor with a spare duvet around him, the two of them asleep.

i closed the door and walked to the next bedroom, freezing as i couldn't believe my eyes.

simon was hovering over a pretty blonde girl, the two of them naked, lips attached in a rough, messy kiss, her fingers scraping over his shoulders, her moans load and in time with his thrusts.

the girl looked to the side and spotted me as i turned to walk out, simon's gaze momentarily following her as i saw regret and panic fill his eyes.

"madison, shit, i-" simon mumbled, but i didn't hear the rest as the door was closed and i hurried into the next bedroom, which was luckily empty, and i locked the door behind me.

i walked into the ensuite and took my makeup off, washing my face and drying me eyes, before taking my clothes off and getting into bed in just my underwear.

i heard the door handle and a sigh from the other side, "madison?" it was simon.

i didn't reply, but closed my eyes and began drifting into a tearful sleep, simon trying a few more times but getting ignored, before finally giving up as i fell asleep to images of simon and the blonde, contrasting his kind words he'd spoken a week ago.

a.n. si, you've fucked up :):

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