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harry walked with me back to the changing rooms, his arm loosely draped over my shoulders as i giggled at a dumb joke he'd made.

"on saturday, do you want to go out for lunch?" he asked, grinning at me.

"tomorrow?" i quirked an eyebrow at him.

"yeah. it's not a date or anything, just as friends. i'll leave simon to the romance." he winked.

"shush." i lightly pushed him, "but yeah, i'd love to." i smiled as he stuck his tongue out to me, before we each walked into the separate changing rooms.

hurry uppp
you're so slow omd

sorry sorry
i'll be there in a sec

i quickly brushed my hair and lightly sprayed perfume onto my neck, before grabbing my keys, phone and money and leaving the apartment, meeting harry at his car.

"can we get mexican?" i asked as he drove into town.

"yeah, of course." he smiled, parking in an underground car park below a shopping centre where there were many restaurants, including mexican.

"table for two, please." harry smiled to the lady who nodded and lead us to a table, before smiling and leaving us to look over the menus.

"harry." i whined with a giggle when i looked up and he was filming me, presumably on snapchat, and i subsequently got my phone out and took a cute photo of him, adding it to my own snap story.

putting my phone on silent, i placed it facedown in the middle of the table, as did harry, the two of us agreeing we needed to talk, not have our faces in our phones the whole meal.

we talked about an endless list of random things while we ate, and i had a lovely time with harry.

the waitress brought the bill over, harry immediately grabbing it and entering his card into the little machine, to which i whined, "no, harry, you don't have to."

"i want to." he grinned and i playfully sighed.

"thank you." i smiled, "but i'm at least doing the tip." i stated, placing a couple of notes down.

i picked up my phone on the way out, slipping it into my pocket without checking my notifications.

harry and i went into a couple of shops before returning to his car, and i pulled it my phone as he began to drive, checking my texts.

heya x
oh, you're with harry.

yeah, we just had lunch :) x

did you enjoy it?

yeah, it was lovely, thank you x

well, i'll leave you to it
don't want to interrupt

it's okay, we're just in the car back now

he didn't reply so i just sighed and placed my phone down on my lap, thanking harry when we got back to campus as he pulled me into a bear hug.

a.n. untowxrd ty for the inspo, ilyy

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