SIX| "How's my baby?"

Start from the beginning

"Sorry sir, your card has been declined," I say, a little extra loud. Causing a few heads to turn and look at the poor victim, who didn't seem fazed by any of this.

"Let's try again shall we," Kai had his eyes narrowed and staring at me as if challenging me.

"Sure," I say and pretend to press random things on the machine, "oops, sorry again."

This is so fun!

I feel like an evil Witch was inside me, laughing wickedly. But I had to bite my tongue to stop this evil witch who wanted out, to laugh out loud at in his face.

"Again." He said, through gritted teeth

Damn, his patient

Just as I was about to insult his dumbass again, I notice Aiden watching me, I can almost feel his laser glare on my side. Okay, that's enough!

"Oh look, it worked," I exclaimed, and quickly turn around to find Rhys who was also
preparing his customer's order or was at least trying to. How the hell did he get hired?

He playfully shoves me to the side a little, which I return, we do this a few more time when we notice Aiden coming our way, causing us to instantly stand still and get back to work.

"Here you go. Sir." I say, giving Kai is order forward.

Without a say, Kai just takes his drink and walks away to the far corner table.

Your welcome!

Suddenly it felt as though time was stuck, I look up at the clock hanging above the door.

It's stuck!

In fact, the clock wasn't moving at all, I stared at it for a few minutes, but no movement.

"Rhys, we're frozen in time," I whispered to Rhys besides me, there wasn't currently any customers coming in and the place is pretty much full.

Rhys looks at me for a second then smacks the back of my head.


"What was that for?!" I whispered yelled, rubbing the back of my head

"For being a dumbass," he states, leaning against the counter.

"Hey! That's his job," I say, pointing to Kai in the corner, who I'm sure just looked up from his busy 'paperwork'

Rhys just scrunches his eyebrows for a second then shakes his head, he opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by none other than, me.

"Hey! Look it moved!" I cheered, pointing back at the clock

This time instead of smacking me, Rhys slaps his own forehead and says, "you literally looked at it for a few seconds and decided that time was frozen."

"I swear it felt like forever," I say, okay maybe I was exaggerating.

"Ava, Mr Frasier is calling you," I turn to the voice and find Aiden with his usual 'I hate life' face on.

He points to the corner table, right where Kai was sat, leaning back in his chair and staring at me with a smirk.

"Why?" I stretched, narrowing my eyes at the smirking man.

Instead of answering Aiden just shrugs and tells me to hurry up and get my cute little ass over there.

Maybe not the last bit...

Walking towards my death, my eyes fall upon the clock again

Just 2 minutes until I am free!!

"Hello-" he pauses and looks down at my name tag, "Ava"

I choose not to respond back since this isn't our first meeting and I already said hi, when he came in.

"What do you want?" I ask, my robot mode back on

"Is that how you speak to customers-" he tilts his head to the other side as he continued, "and where's my smile at, you look like you're at a funeral."

I'll smile if it's his funeral

I'm joking, that's mean. I'd actually cry, a little or none.

"What can I get you?" I ask again, this making sure to put up a big fake smile and dropping it straight after

"Actually, I'd like to ask; how's my baby?" He says, a Cheeky grin on his face


My eyes moved side to side, then finally my brain clicks and I look straight down to my belly, placing a hand over it then look back up to Kai's amused face.

Oh, baby!

" see the thing's doing great actually! Anyways my shift is over, so I shall get going, hope I never see you again!" I rapidly finish, backing away from Kai.

Just as my hand goes me up wave bye to Aiden and Rhys but, stops mid-air when I hear Kai's voice,

"Well, I'd definitely like to see my fiancé and baby again," he says, I don't even bother turning around to see his face knowing he'd have his stupid smirk on.

My hand in mid-air starts shaking while pointing to my self, mouthing a 'no' as I realise people around the cafe starting to stare at me

"Come on Rhys you better get over there, your man seems pretty pissed," I whisper to Rhys, encouraging him to step forward while I escape through the front door.


"Ah ah, not so fast," a familiar, more specific Kai's voice says from behind me, as he holds a strong grip on my wrist.

Oh no



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Love you all and adios❤️❤️

dreameroverboard - 'Say I do'

dreameroverboard - 'Say I do'

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