Chapter 6

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"Kay girls, you done with your spaghetti?" I asked them. They nodded their head yes.

"Okay let's go. Just leave the plates on the table." Justin said.

"But mommy says to always put your plates in the sink, once your done eating." Jazzy replied.

"But mommy is not here right now is she?" Justin said in a sweet voice tickling Jazzy's belly.

"Let's take my car." I said.

"Why?" Justin pouted.

"Hmm I don't know, maybe your THE Justin Bieber, and I don't know maybe they would recognize Justin Bieber's car at Safeway?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh yeah, I forget, sorry" He said grabbing Jazzy's hand while I grabbed Lindsey's.

Lindsey then tugged on my shirt. I bent down to Lindsey's level so she could tell me what ever she wanted to tell me.

"Why aren't you holding hands with Justin?" She asked. When she asked that I blushed a little and looked down.

"Because he is not my boyfriend." I replied.

"Then why did he kiss you, Gabby?" she asked again.

"I don't know, Lindsey, I don't know." I replied, picking her up and carrying her outside to where Justin seemed to waiting with Jazzy in front of my car, to unlock the door.

I took out my keys and unlocked it. We put Jazzy and Lindsey in their car seats and I drove to Safeway while Justin sang along to his song 'Boyfriend' on the radio. When we got out of the car Justin whispered something in my ear.

"I sang that for you." He said which made me blush and sent shivers down my whole body. He chuckled, and put sunglasses and his hood on. We walked in and it wasn't very full of people, so we grabbed a basket and put everything we might need in these next few days.

"Don't you guys need clothes?" Justin asked.

"Yeah. Mom's bringing some later tonight, we just need the travel stuff, like toothbrush and toothpaste makeup and makeup remover."

"Oh okay, let's start with the cake stuff, cuz the aisle is right there, and we'll just work our way down." Justin suggested.

"Kay." I said and walked into the aisle with the other three.

Justin grabbed three different kinds of sprinkles, two different color frostings, and a jar of cherries.

"Justin, leave the cherries." I said.

"Aw why?" he pouted.

"Because we don't need them with cake." I said.

"Please." He said sticking his bottom lip out.

"Fine, we'll make cupcakes." I said finally giving in.

The girls chose a rainbow cake mix, and I got the cupcake tray, I got the makeup I needed, and the toothbrushes and toothpaste for Lindsey and I. We bought everything and went back to Justin's house. I spread everything out on the counter while the girls, went to go watch 'Barbie Life in the Dream House.'

"Okay so how do you do this?" Justin asked me.

"Okay, just read the back. It says, two eggs, 1 teaspoon, 1/4 a cup of water, olive oil, preheat the oven to 350 degrees." I said taking out and setting everything it said.

"Do you have a large bowl?" I asked.

"Yeah." Justin replied taking out a pink large bowl.

"Okay, Open the box and pour the cake mix in the bowl, Justin." I said.

Justin opened the box, and opened the bag but stopped, just before he poured it.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm scared, I don't want to mess up, I have never done this before." He responded.

"You should be saying the same thing about sex." I said chuckling and helping him out. I put my hand on top of his and we poured this mix into the bowl. We looked into each other's eyes for second, but I broke the stare.

"Okayy, now eggs." I said and showed him how to do the rest, when they were out of the oven, we set them to cool out for like 10 minutes.

"So what's your favorite color?" Justin asked me.

"Purple." I said.

"Mine too, your birthday?" he asked.

"March 1st." When I said that his eyes almost bulged out of his head.

"What?" I asked.

"That's my birthday!" He exclaimed.

"Oh cool, how old are you?" I asked.

"17" he replied.

"Same here." I said.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"California." I replied.

"Canada." he replied.

We asked each other a few more questions, and it turned out we had more things in common than we thought. Birthday, Age, Color, Animal, and foods.

"Lindsey! Jazzy! Cupcakes are ready!" I shouted.

They ran downstairs, and we ate the cupcakes, that tasted declicious, we added frosting, sprinkles, and a cherry, which was Justin's courtesy.

~A/N hey guys if you do want another update please do the following:




-read my other stories

It's that simple, all you gotta do! :)

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