How it all began(Justin Bieber)

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-Chapter One-

I woke up in the morning feeling kind of sick. My stomach had been hurting so much. I threw the blankets off of me and forced my self to stand up. I walked to my dresser and looked at my self in the mirror.

"I look like poop." I said trying to calm my messy hair down. I made the terrible mistake of sleeping with makeup, mascara was on my cheek, I looked like a clown. I heard a knock on the door. Ugh! I can't let anyone see me like this. I ran to my night stand where I had left the makeup wipes. I quickly took one out and cleaned my face down.

"Come in." I said.

"Good morning Gabby." my mom said walking in with my little sister.

"Morning." I replied with a light smile.

"Lindsey wants you to take her to her ballet class." Mom said.

I looked at Lindsey, really? The day I feel sick, she decides to take ME of all 5 siblings in this house. She was so adorable in her pink tutu, I couldn't say no.

"Yeah, that's fine." I said winking at Lindsey.

"Can you take her to Jazzy's house after?" Mom asked.

Oh my gosh, again how many kids are in this house? FIVE!

"Yeah. I guess. Just send me the address." I said scratching my head.

"Thank you Gabby." Lindsey said. They walked out of my room and I laid back down on my bed and grabbed my white iPhone from the nighstand. I unlocked it and texted my best friend Tatyana.

To: Tatyana @ 9:04 AM:

Hey Lindsey wants me 2 take her to ballet, wana come?? xx


I sent the message, minutes later I got a response.

To: Gabby @ 9:06 AM:

Sure! What time?


I saw the message and typed back.

To: Tatyana @ 9:06 AM:

starts at 11.


I locked my phone and got up again to get ready. I walked over to my walk in closet and took out my white skinny jeans, purple crop-top, and black leather high-heeled boots. I needed a shower fast! I felt disgusting. I was listening to the radio, singing to every song while shampooing my hair. When I heard Ryan Seacrest start talking.

"So I've got Justin Bieber here." Ryan spoke.

I rolled my eyes I like his music but not him.

"Hi guys!" Justin said his perky happy voice.

"So you want to tell your fans what you were telling me?" Ryan asked Justin.

"Um, yeah sure why not? So I'm taking a break to be with the family! yay! Haven't seen my brother or sister in more than two weeks. I will still be on social media just not as often. Also I have decided to release a new song in a few weeks." Justin explained. I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to dry.

I turned off the radio and got dressed. I added hoop earrings. I didn't want to do much makeup today so I just put lipgloss and sunglasses on. I brushed my hair straight down, it reached above my hips. I walked out of the bathroom and yelled.


"YEAH?" she screamed back.


"Why are you two yelling Lindsey is in the room next to yours!" Brooklyn our older sister said laughing.

"Oh." I walked into the room and grabbed Lindsey's hand.

"Let's go munchkin." I said walked to the garage.

A\N HEY! omg! Just started and so far I'm liking this story. I know I know Justin isn't a COMPLETE character yet, but he will soon. I promise:) Please follow, vote, and keep reading. Also before I leave I need more characters so would anyone like to be in my story? Comment or Inbox me if so! Thanks.

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