Chapter 7

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~7:30 PM~

"What's next?" I asked sitting.

"A kiss." Justin smirked.

"Okay." I said.

"Really?" He asked surprised.

"Nope." I replied laughing.

"Aw come on Gabby." He pleaded.

"No, now what's next?" I asked once more.

"Um, T.V until 8." He said looking down at the list his mom left him.

"Okay. What's after?" I asked.

"Ummm bath, you can do that, it would seem kind of weird if I did it." Justin said.

And he was right that would be really weird.

We then watched t.v and we had small conversations in between, but then the girls were acting like cranky old lady's at movie theaters so we had to leave the room and we talked out side.

"Gabby?" Justin asked.

"Yeah." I responded looking into his eyes, which the moon was shining bright into.

"I..I like you." Justin admitted.

"Cool." I said not really sure at how to respond to that.

"That's it? That's all your going to say? Just 'cool'" Justin said mimicking the way I said cool.

"Yeah, I think it's cool that Justin Bieber likes me." I said.

"Gabby, there is more to me than just, that Justin Bieber, you know?" Justin said cupping his hands on my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

I thought for a minute, back to the moment when Justin kissed me earlier, I mean I kind of liked, I kissed back didn't I? I just don't want the same thing to happen to me again. What happened with me and James.


I was currently sitting on the couch being as bored as usual so I decided I would text my amazing boyfriend, James.

To: James

From: Gabby

Hey <3


I sat there watching Family Guy waiting for a response. Lindsey walked in at that moment.

"Hi Gabby." She said.

"Hey Lindsey, what's up?" I asked.

"Can I sleep, in your room tonight?" Lindsey asked a little frightend.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I just want to." Lindsey lied .

"Okay let's go." I said turning off the tv, grabbing my phone, and carrying her to my room.

To: Gabriella

From: James :)

Hey babe


I looked at the message and blushed. I tucked Lindsey in and replied.


From: Gabby

Want to come over?


Seconds later I got a response.



Sorry, I've got um homework to do.


Homework? Since when do teachers give homework on Fridays? This is bullshit! What the hell is he doing? I lost my virginity to him about a week ago. I later found out he was at Maggie's house that day, making out with her and stuff, I caught him and we broke up. Since then I don't want a boyfriend. When we I got back from snooping at Maggie's house Lindsey told me about her nightmare. It was that James would hurt me. Funny, that's exactly what happend.

~End of Flashback~

I hadn't even noticed I tear escaped my eyes.

"Gabby? What's wrong?" Justin asked wiping the tear.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Gabby, come on you can tell me at least we are both Pieces, you have to tell me come on." He said pointing to the swinging bench on the porch and I made a lie up.

"I have a boyfriend." I said.

A/N: Hey so how badly do you want a new chapter? I need 5 or more comments and 5 or more votes and maybe even A follow :) love ya!

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