Chapter 3

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I looked at Jazzy, aw maybe she doesn't like me!

"I'm Gabby, Lindsey's big sister." I said a little shyly.

"Oh my gosh! Your Gabby? I've been wanting to meet you! Lindsey, keeps talking about how awesome you are!" Jazzy said running up to me and hugging me, I giggled and hugged back.

"How come I didn't hear about Gabby?" Justin said frowning at the ground. I rolled my eyes, he is still Justin Bieber and I hate him.

"So what are you girls doing?" I asked them.

"We are playing Barbie's. You want to play?" Jazzy asked me.

"Um no thank you, I can watch you guys." I said with a smile trying not to be rude.

"Come on please." Jazzy said pulling me to the ground with a barbie doll.

Justin smirked and tried covering his laughter.

"Come on you too Justin! You can be Ken!" Lindsey said pulling Justin towards the doll house.

I laughed, I love my sister.

After a few 20 minutes of showing Justin how to play. We started to stand up and head out of Jazzy's room.

"Gabby?" Jazzy asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can Lindsey sleep over?" Jazzy asked.

"Sure, I just got to let my mom know." I replied with a light smile.

"Can you sleep over too?" Lindsey asked.

"I don't think so guys." I said with smile slowly fading, there is NO WAY in hell I'm sleeping under the same roof as Justin Bieber.

"Come on Gabby. Don't disappoint the girls." Justin pleaded.

"No! I'm not disappointing them, cuz you will be here with them. Now let me call my mom!" I said taking out my phone.

"Hey mom..Yeah we are good..Jazzy wants to know if Lindsey can sleep over..What!!!!!!??? No way mom!!!!" I yelled into the phone.

A/N what do you think their mom said? Also please comment and vote telling me to update, cuz I don't update stories until I see that you guys want more thanks :)

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