Chapter 5

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We were currently in the kitchen, and I was taking out the spaghetti filter(A/N you know, those bowl like thingys with holes in them?)

"Whats that for?" Justin asked.

"It's so when you put the pasta in, and you are taking to boiling water out, the water goes through those tiny holes, but the spaghetti doesn't" I explained.

"Oh my gosh! That is so awesome!" Justin said grabbing it.

"Not really, but okay. Where are the pasta's?" I asked.

"In there, I think." Justin said pointing to a cabinet.

I walked over to the cabinet, and sure enough there were three different types of pasta's so I chose the spaghetti. I taught Justin how to make tomato sauce and spaghetti.

"That was easy, and I did it all by myself!" Justin said smirking.

I smacked him playfully.

"Mhm sure you did." I said sarcastically.

"What I did!" Justin said laughing.

"I did most of it." I replied giggling.

"No, I think I did." Justin said pushing towards the wall slowly.

"Justin, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I like this position." Justin said.

"Well I don't your with Selena, and I hate you." I said plainly.

"Well, that hurt. No I'm not with Selena, we broke up, she's a bitch." (A/N I'm not hating so don't comment, saying why I hate Selena okay?)

"Well, I still hate you?" I said.

"Why? you don't even know me Gabby." Justin replied.

"And I don't want to." was all I said. Until he laid me down slowly on the couch.

"Justin, What are you doing! Get off of me!" I said struggling to get him off of me.

"No!" He said.

Justin then kissed my lips, very sweetly. I kissed back I couldn't help it, we then started to make out.

"Guys?" Jazzy said giggling.

"Ew!" Lindsey squealed.

"Get off her Justin, your squishing my sister!" Lindsey screamed trying to get Justin off of me.

I giggled and sat up. After that kiss I felt different about Justin, no I don't like him, but I don't hate him either, he was... Okay.

We sat down at the dinner table and ate the spaghetti.

"This is so good!" Lindsey said.

"Can you guys make dessert?" Jazzy asked.

"Does Peanut Butter and Jelly count as dessert?" Justin replied.

"Justin, you always make me Peanut Butter and Jelly, can you make something else? Please." Jazzy sighed.

I felt bad for her, having a big brother, that only makes sandwhiches, I thought for a minute.

"Let's go to the store, and buy a cake mix, yeah?" I asked Justin.

"Sure." He replied

A\N THANKS SO MUCH FOR READINGGGG!!! The reason it's kinda short is cuz next chapter needs its own chapter lol :) If you want an update comment, vote, and follow. I don't update unless I get a lot of votes or Comments, so thanks.

How it all began(Justin Bieber)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat