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Hey, people!

It's been a long time. I have been pretty inactive lately. I am writing this note to announce a few things.

1. I officially changed this book's genre to Teen fiction and I really hope that it does well in that category.

2. On re-reading, I found a bazillion errors, typos, plot holes etc so, I have decided to rewrite this book. This will obviously take time but it's important. New and improved version of this book will be posted once I complete it.

*There may be slight variation in the plot and names. I am thinking of deleting unnecessary characters.

3. As the load to re-write first part is looming over my head, I will have to push sequel's expected release further. I apologize for the delay but you need to understand that I write to improve my skills and I am starting by fixing what I already build.

4. There may be a title change for nth time to suit Wattpad's standard (whatever they are. because let's admit, no matter how much we dislike cliche, books with 'bad boy' in the title, rule this site). So I want your suggestions for the name. Please suggest titles that don't give the plot away. Don't suggest titles like- 'The Princess of Kovorelle' or 'Swan Princess' for obvious reasons.

I am considering one of these-

-Knights in Scruffy Sneakers

-Liars Liars


-Royal Blues (see what I did there? No? Oh... well, her unique eyes are royal blue color and Royal Blues also fits if given meaning to each word.)

So, vote and comment your titles!

This is all.

I hope you're having an awesome day.

Thank you.


City of Blind ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang