Nerdy date

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HOLA AMIGOS! how are you all doing? here is the much demanded date between Neal and Astrid. The chapter was huge and i had to divide it into two. So, cheer up, because its DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!



Neal guided me towards his car, making sure to keep distance between us. I almost laughed when he blabbered gibberish under his breath. He opened the car door for me and before I could get in, he picked the tulip bouquet from the passenger seat and handed it to me with a smile that made my insides melt.

"I was supposed to give it to you at door but I forgot out of nervousness. Thank god I did or I would have gotten a talk for it too."

He shuddered and I couldn't help but laugh at his tortured face.

"Laugh all you want but I will show you off, the day I make you mine, pumpkin." I blushed as he smirked and closed the door for me when I sat in.

"You look cute, by the way." I smiled and complemented him modestly.

"Where are we going?"

He looked sideways and smirked.

"A place you know by heart but still don't know." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That sounds creepy."

He chuckled. "No, pumpkin. I don't plan to kill you. You have no idea about how very precious you are to me."

I smiled but I couldn't shrug off the feeling that I was only studying the tip of iceberg when there is whole lot submerged inside an ocean full of secrets.


"School?! Are you freaking kidding me right now?!" I shrieked in horror as the oh-so great Neal Wyatt parked in school parking.

He smirked in amusement and shrugged before getting out of the car. I opened the door myself and got out, before he could do the honours.

Screw gentlemen! I have hands.

"Will you tell me what we are doing outside our locked school?"

"Who said it's locked?" my eyes widened as he took my hand and interwove our fingers before tugging me towards entry.

"Come on."

"What are we doing here?!" I whisper shouted.

"Why are you whispering?" he practically yelled and laughed at me when I winced.


"I took care of it."

"But-" my eyes widened as before I could complete, he pressed his lips on mine.

I froze as he kissed me gently as if I will disappear if he takes it rough. My eyes fluttered close and I found myself kissing him back. Tingles travelled throughout my body as my toes curled and knees buckled. He pulled away, breathless.

Whoa! I thought kiss is the very last part of a date!

"Now, you will shut up." He whispered against my lips and I shivered. "Here."

I gingerly looked down and furrowed my eyebrows at the scroll in my hand. I rolled it open and I swear it looked like some century old treasure map. I tried to analyse it but I was confused.

"What is-" I looked up and my eyes widened when Neal was nowhere in sight. "Neal!" I turned in every direction and called him out.

My phone beeped in my pocket and I jumped out of my skin as it startled me.

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