Introducing The Parker Clan!

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"Astrid Jane Parker!" I jumped out of my skin and tore myself off the door. In an instant, a furious and shirtless Aiden rolled out. My eyes widened at his appearance, and even though I was six feet deep in trouble, I couldn't hold back my laugh and proud smirk. I was about to dash into my room when another door banged open and out came a clueless Asher, shirtless.

God! I need to teach my brothers to wear shirts.

He spoke gibberish under his breath, scratched his head and yawned.

When he saw the frantic look on my face, gears in his head rotated, and his eyes immediately found Aiden. Then it clicked to him. In an instant, he yanked me inside his room and locked it.

"Asher James Parker, open the door this instant!"

Asher rolled his eyes, and I snickered under my breath.

"And you call me dramatic." I was on the brink of dying with laughter when Asher looked back at me and winked. "I've got your back Astrid-bear."

For an instant, I felt guilty, but the urge to burst into hysterics kept it away.

"Ash, open the damn door!"

"No can do, Aiden-boo!" he replied in a sing-song voice. His eyes brightened at his retort, and he proudly added "Hey! That rhymed! I should totally consider poetry."

The determined look in his eyes made me shudder. My mind automatically opened all painful memory files where I was his model during his painting phase or when I was a critic during his chef period or when I was his 'lead actress' during his acting era or when...

"Don't be dumb, Ash! Do you think Astrid spared you?" Asher's eyebrows furrowed. I panicked but gave him my best puppy dog eyes when he looked at me, to save my sorry ass. He narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to say 'yes' but Aiden knew his twin like the back of his hand. "If you say yes right now, I swear I will disown you as my twin brother! Go and see yourself in the mirror, dumbass!"

Before I could stop, Asher scrambled to the bathroom in a panic.

I. Am. Dead.






Cue a high pitched girlish shriek.

"Astrid Jane Parker!" I looked back and forth between the bathroom and the room's door.

Aiden will tear my limbs and roast me for dinner.

Asher will strangle and choke me to death.

Oh God! Where do I go?

Next thing I knew, both doors swung open, and two angry people with same the face glared at me. If I weren't feeling like Jerry cornered by two Toms, I would have teased their identical expressions for being creepy.

I panicked. In an instant, I was tackled to the ground like a freaking football. I wanted to laugh at Aiden's pink hair and Asher's hideous haircut, but, I, was too busy laughing my ass off due to an unexpected tickle attack. I rolled on the floor of a pigsty aka Asher's room. The thought of unintentionally coming into contact with any dirty laundry or stale food, made me shiver. So, I kicked them, shrieked and did everything I could, to at least get off the floor. But let me tell you, when these two opposites from the same magnet stick together, I stand no chance.

I discreetly heard approaching footsteps, and this gave me a ray of hope in the midst of this dark episode of my life. My savior entered the room.

Okay, that was dramatic. But come on, being Asher's sidekick has its cons.

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