Payback is a female dog after all

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"ROOF!" I squealed in excitement and raced like a mad women towards the roof.

I abruptly stopped outside the metal gate and took a deep breath to calm my electrified nerves. I slowly opened the door and my breath hitched.

The moment I opened the door, whole roof lighted up and fairy lights shined under starlight. I stared at the arrangement in complete awe and took small steps towards it.

Be my girlfriend?

The fairy lights said.

I broke out of my trance when arms circled around my waist from behind and pulled me in a hard chest.

"Did I pass?" Neal whispered in my ear, hopefully. I involuntarily shivered as goose bumps made appearance on my skin.

"Say something?" I was still very much frozen. "You are scaring me, pumpkin." He pressed a soft kiss on my nape and I almost buckled.

Turning around in his embrace, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He was stunned at first but slowly kissed me back.

"Now, you will shut up." I whispered against his lips, quoting him.

He chuckled. "I will take that as a yes."

"Obvio-" he didn't let me complete and pressed his lips on mine again.

"Take that, food. I can kiss my pumpkin too!"

I chuckled and shook my head.

Without even realising it, I lost my heart to an absolutely adorable dork.


"Why am I even doing it?!"

"Because you are my friend, remember?" I huffed.

"That being said, I am deeply regretting it." Liam muttered under his breath and I glared at him. He immediately clutched another balloon, busted it and shrieked like a girl when my stapler fell on his toes. I looked around and sighed.

When I returned home, to say I was happy, would be an understatement. I was practically beaming. Dad was waiting for me and I shared every detail of my date with him, like I would have done if mom was alive. He was happy that I was happy. When I asked for twins, he said that he kicked them out to go party or something instead of planning a murder.

That's my dad for you.

But the biggest shock of my life came when I entered my room and it was completely filled with balloons till my knees. That's not even the worst part. The worst part was that all my stationary supplies, my accessories, even the shoe laces of my shoes were inside those damn huge balloons.

Oh god!

I freaked out and screamed bloody murder. Dad came up, totally terrified and when he saw the mess, a sheepish smile graced his lips.

"Sorry, princess but payback is surely a female dog." I looked at dad incredulously and he quickly scrambled away.

So, he wasn't only on my side after all.

Liam came out after a few seconds to see why I was cursing like a sailor and shrieking like a mad woman. He peeped inside my window and laughed at my expense.


I glared at him and threw him into my room with his collar. And that's how I ended up using him as my servant.

Don't give me that look! I am helping too.

Till yet, we have recovered- 5 pairs of shoe laces, 26 erasers, 13 sharpeners, 85 pens, 18 mechanical pencils, 1 stapler, 22 pairs of earrings, 59 bracelets, 77 hair ties, 9 chapsticks, 2 lip glosses, 128 tic tack pins and 75 bobby pins.

And yes all of these were inside balloons- individually or in pairs.

I didn't even know I had so much of stuff in my room.

God! My brothers are devil's reincarnation. How vain are they to pull this awful stunt on me?!

Poor Liam busted all the balloons while I collected my supplies and kept them in their place.

By the time we were done, it was 12:15 AM already and I felt absolutely awful to keep Liam awake with me.


He groaned beside me. We were slouching on my bed and I am not lying when I say that I literally heard our bones groan in pain when we laid next to each other.

"Do you have saran wrap at home?"

He immediately propped himself on his elbow and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yes. Why?"

I smirked and ruffled his hair. "Get them, buddy. We have a revenge to take."

"Nope! I am out of it! Hell no! I am not-"

"Please?" I gave him the most convincing puppy dog eyes. He stood his ground for a few seconds before he huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Things I do for you." He grumbled and got out of my window to enter his.

I quickly grabbed my PJs and changed. After a few minutes, Liam fell inside my room.

"" He panted on the floor and raised the saran wrap to show me.

"Why are you panting?"

"I... m-may or may n-not... have s-seen an r-rat!"

I laughed so hard at that, that I fell on the ground next to him and clutched my stomach as tears streamed down and absolutely no sound escaped my mouth.

"Whats so funny! I was chased by that awful creature throughout my house just because of this stupid saran wrap!"

He growled but the red patches on his cheeks were making it hard to take it seriously. He crossed his arms and pouted with a frown.

"Awe." I pulled his cheeks. "I will be your princess in shining armour once we take our revenge."

He glared at me as I stood up and tugged him with me.

"Come on." I signalled for him to follow as I looked in both directions before exiting my room. I peeked through Asher's ajar room and upon noticing it clear, I tugged Liam in. I opened his washroom (Yes we all had our en suite washrooms) and gagged as I put the toilet seat down.

"Here is some saran. Wrap it tight."

Liam's eyes widened as I handed him a huge piece of wrap.

"I-what? No!?!"

"I didn't ask you silly. I am commanding you! Do it. I am taking Aiden's bathroom."

"What if your brothers need to use it? They are at a party, what if they need to throw up or pee at night?!"

I shrugged and signalled Liam to take saran from me. He took a deep breath and grabbed it as if it was a bomb.

I smirked at him and hopped inside Aiden's room.

"Payback is a female dog after all!"




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