Thank you so much

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Sorry, this isn't an update.

(Please imagine yourself as Scott or the dude in black tee and me as Dylan here)

I just wanted to write this note to extend a huge thanks to you people because this journey would have been incomplete without you. I grew up so much as a writer through this book and honestly, I am the kind of girl whose insecurities are about talent.

I was so so so low on self confidence but when I read your comments, I feel like an idiot for ever doubting myself.

For that, thank you so much.

Today, my idol (and lady crush) said that she will read my book and congratulated me for this progress. I am so happy rn (even though I got child zoned. literally.)

I love you all so much for supporting me and this book.

I wouldn't be what I am today without all of you.

Thank you to all voters, commenters and even silent readers.


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