Chapter 19

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---Daniel’s POV---

My pulse spiked a few times as I waited for the man in front of the window to turn around. To say I was nervous was an understatement, but I didn’t want the people in the room to know it.

They probably did though, judging from the way the blonde woman was smirking as she eyed me closely or the man leaning against the wall, his darkblue hair bound together with a leather strap. His eyes flashed slightly when he noticed my look before he grinned slowly, flashing his fangs at me.

“Tell me, Daniel, why I should help you? A few days ago, we were still enemies, though not by our choice. Your kind has harassed us over the span of millennia and now you need our help?”

I looked at the speaker and frowned slightly. “With all due respect sir, but we never had a real choice. Up until now, we were driven by the curse placed upon us and if I’m correct, you have had a hand in that as well.”

The vampire king turned around at that, his white hair shining brilliantly in the light while his sharp blue eyes twinkled slightly, though his expression remained serious. He simply raised one black eyebrow, as if he wondered if I was truly sane.

“So what changed now? For as far as I know, you could be leading us in a trap, waiting for me and my Coven to step out of the security of our homelands to follow you to our doom.” He stated, turning around with his head proudly tilted, eying me curiously.

My nerves flared up at the thought of what I was about to do but this time around, I was going to follow my instincts and I was fed up with playing around and exchanging pleasantries.

I flipped a picture out of my coat and threw it towards him, watching as the King expertly snatched it out of the air and turned it around. His eyes widened along with his nostrils as he stared at Lucius’ image before his head snapped up.

“He’s the reason why I’m here. The world as we know it is in grave danger, and your lives as well.” In an instant I was pinned to the wall by the blue haired man as he hissed venomously, his eyes flashing from silver to near black before the King called him back.

“Alistair, enough!” He looked at the picture with disgust before passing it on to the female, who instantly curled her nose at the image and gave it to Alistair.

“Explain.” King Cain snapped, though his movements remained calm as he gestured towards a seat. Alistair took the privilege to plop me rather harshly in it, making me scowl at him before I sighed.

“Long version or short-“

Cain eyed me warningly, tapping his fingernails on the tabletop. “I want to know everything but I don’t plan on sitting here all day, so make it quick.” I nodded and started with quickly explaining him why I came here, the death of my brother before the realization of what caused his death.

If Cain realized what creature I was describing, he didn’t show me; his face was the ultimate poker expression you could imagine, though I heard the two other vampires shuffle nervously on their feet.

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