"S-Sure of what?" He stammered, trying not to sound as fearful as he felt, I assumed.

"Are you sure you want to die?" I saw him swallow, before his chakra heightened, preparing himself for battle once more. I took that as I 'Yes, I want to die.' so I proceeded to do hand signs.

"Fire style," The shinobi's eyes widened at the sign of the tiger, "Great Dragon of Fire!" I sucked in a breath, gathered my chakra into my lungs, and blew out. Fire spilled from my lips, almost instantly taking the form of a dragon. The shinobi stumbled backwards, surprised by the magnitude of heat my creation was giving off.

"Marvel in the beauty of it!" I shouted over the roaring of my justu, "Because this is the last thing you'll see." I flicked my hair over my shoulder, "Also, marvel at me, because I'm gonna be the last person you're gonna see." I grinned at him, a dangerous glint in my eyes, "Aren't you lucky?"

I rose my hand into the air, and the dragon roared in response, anticipating the destruction of it's opponent.

"N-No!" The ninja pleaded, jumping for me, only to get blown back as my dragon roared. The magnitude shook the earth, and it took all my effort not to fall over myself. So much for having control over my jutsu's.

"I wonder which one will triumph," I mused, grinning innocently. "Will the great Konaha ANBU conquer the evil, or will the fire consume you and destroy your resolution?" I perked up, "Look at me, being all poetic today."

"Don't do it!" The ninja persisted, "What about your friends? What would they say to this?" I rolled my eyes at his attempts, which were in vain.

"Oh shut up." I let out a cry as slammed my hand onto the ground. Obeying my orders, the dragon roared once more, readying itself to attack. The shinobi let out a very 'manly' scream and tried to scuttle away. Unfortunately, my dragon was faster.

I smiled, showing pure white teeth, as the sky turned dark with storm clouds. The trees around me burned from being caught in my jutsu as my dragon dissipated.

"He turned to dust!" I blinked a few times, surprising even myself as I confirmed that there was, in fact, no body. In response, I fell onto my back in hysterical laughter. "That's the funniest thing I've ever seen!" I exclaimed between my fits.

"We found her." The abrupt voice caused me to cut myself short, listening to the deep tone echo around me.

"Who's there?!" I shouted into the forest, expecting more ANBU.

"Damn it Sasori!" I heard another voice exclaim, also a male's. No, they wern't ANBU. If they were, they wouldn't have mentioned names.

"Get the fuck out here so I can kill you!" I took a few deep breathes to steady my heartbeat, finally feeling two rather prominent chakra signatures. Responding, a blonde male emerged from the tree's. He looked surprisingly young for someone with such a strong signature.

"Try your luck." He dared, shooting me an irritating smirk. Ugh, so he's one of the cocky types.

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