Chapter 8 ✔

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Damien's POV.

"Clara, get off me," I say as I lay on my bed. I really didnt want to deal with her anymore. She complied and left the room to go back to her chambers. Didn't tell her too, but oh well. Her choice.

I put my hands under my head and I close my eyes, preparing for whatever train of thoughts that were coming.

Bow. She wasn't that pretty or anything, she also killed my friend. I need to make her life a living hell, but I didnt want to at the same time. I sigh and shake my head, dumb girl. What the hell is she doing to me? I need to get over it right now, at this exact moment. Only.. I can't.

I get out my USA Gold pack and pop one into my mouth, lighting and smoking it. Sure helps me relax when I can't think. It also slowly kills me, I want to die, but at the same time, I don't. This is how I satisfy both sides of me.

I hear a knock on my door. How irritating, "It's Chase," he says, letting out a small laugh. Fucking bitch.

I roll my eyes, him. I did not like him. "Come in." I get up and sit against my headboard. "The hell do you want Chase?" I ask him, wanting him out ASAP.

He twindled with his fingers, he was always the odd one, but my father loved him. "I was wondering if Bow c-could be mine." I eyes snap open and I look at him like he is crazy, but I have no reason to keep her. I know I wouldn't be able to hurt her, but I don't want to give her up. No, I can't let this happen.

"No," I simply say. Dumb brain, I want her away from me. Although, I want her next to me too. There's just something about that tiny thing that's driving me up the wall.

His eyes sadden and I roll mine, "One week. If she likes it she stays, if she does, I keep," I smirk. He grins and nods, thanking me lots. I'm so going to regret this later, because I know he is much better man than me. Well, considering relationships only.

He runs out of my room and down to hers. I'll make sure to ruin that week, yes, that's the plan. He can't win, I hate losing.

Day One

By this time I knew that Chase had told Bow about it. She had been a lot more cheery than usual. Now, I just have to figure out what would make her not want him. I examined her through our security systems as I filled out paperwork. Once in awhile I'd see her randomly freeze up or cry. She really was innocent in my eyes. I wonder how she got the guts to shopt my best man. I guess she freaked out and pulled the trigger, I doubt she would do it if she was in her right mind.

Finally her and Chase met up in the common room. I smirked and called one of the guards, telling him to go get some stuff. Time to let the games begin, for real.

I turn the volume up and watch them as they layed back in the couch, not saying anything. Looks relaxing, too bad I actually work. I don't have time to just chill. It's a little disappointing now that I think about it.

My guard soon walks in and tells Chase that his mother called him. Peachy, I know. The guard then sits down next to Bow and whispers stuff into her ear. He looks like a gossiping teenager. At first she was shocked until she whispered back, this time his face fell and he walked right out. I mentally face-palmed, what did that child say that shicked my guard? He's such a hardass too!

A knock was heard and I see my guard walk in with the same face that was just on the camera. This is going to be interesting to listen to.

"Details?" I say immediantly, waving my hand in annoyance. I need everything now, all that juicy information.

He waits a moment before speaking, "I told her that Chase fucked his sister and still does." He breathes in, "She was shocked at first then tells me that shes done worse and explained a whole sexual fantasy!" by the end of this he was shouting. He seems pretty shocked as well as worried. I really need to know that fantasy now...

Day Two

Second day, second try. This time I am going to try a different approach that girls cannot resist, food. Oh I know their little secret.

I smile as I pull my cake from the oven. I looked up the recipe online and I must say it looked delectable. I bite my lip and taste tested. "Holly shit," I mutter, impressed by my own cooking. I've never done this before and now I feel like a master chef. Rate this Gordan Ramsey!

After that, I decorated it and waited for her to come in, feeling excited.

I wait...

And wait...


As soon as I walk up to my room I get a text from cheesy Chase. 'Sorry, me and Bow were out today. I took her to get some cloths, she behaved extremely well. She will be back soon!' I groan, great. Cooking for nothing. Well, she can eat it when she gets back, unless somebody ate it already. I know the people around here are dicks and steal eachother's food. That's low.

Day Three

I was just starting to get pissed off. "Jerry, get Chase in here. Right now!" this deal is off. I don't play games with children. This is stupid. He won't win, but I don't want to put all the shame on him.

Within a couple minutes a figure was shoved into my room harshly. Good, fuck him.

"Oh Chase, how wonderful it is to see you." I sarcastically say, smirking, my fingers tapping against the desk.

He looks up at me and frowns. "Damien,-" I cut him off. I was tired of hearing him already. He doesn't deserve to be here, not my choice though.

"Bow is staying with me," I smirk as his face falls. He actually hoped he could have her. I let out a not-so-sorry laugh. "She is my slave from now on. I am not going to be so nice. As for you, if you talk to her, Ill kill you." I growl, slamming ny fist on the table to bring my point across. Striking fear is what I do and it works at making people listen.

He doesnt respond, he knows he has to listen or I will convince father to get rid of him. Possibly throw his body off a bridge at night. Oh how I want that to haopen so bad right now.

"Excused." I say, waving him off. He speed walks out of the room, gripping onto the bottom of his hoodie like a child.

I smirk and lean back into my chair, now what should I do with that little brat? Maybe she could tell me that little fantasy of hers.

Make the other slaves bully her.
Oo- or fuck her. Pretty sure she is virgin. Heh. Oh all the options I have.


Edited. 300+ words. Yeah, yeah. 'Bout to make a new cover and retitle this book~

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