Jonuardo- Love Hurts

Start from the beginning

Eduardo put his head up, and the same infuriated look was smothered onto his face. "No one asked you for your opinion, Mark." Eduardo said. Mark rolled his eyes. "Just give up Eduardo." Mark said. "I'll just get a job for us. You don't have to worry about it anymore, and you can take care of Jon." Eduardo slammed his fist on the table. "I don't need you making all of the decisions, you dick!" He cried. "I can do things on my own, so stop treating me like a baby!" Mark slammed his spoon down on the table. "Fine then!" Mark yelled. "I've already got a job unlike your sorry ass, and I start tomorrow! You can do the cooking, the laundering, the cleaning, and taking care of Jon from now on!"

Mark ran into his room, leaving Eduardo and Jon by themselves. Eduardo sighed, and looked over at Jon, who was looking at the ground, trying not to show any expression in fear that he would get into a fight with Eduardo as well. Eduardo ruffled Jon's hair, and smiled weakly. "Well, I guess it's just you and me from now on, little buddy." He said. "Let's try to make this work, shall we?" Jon was confused. Eduardo used to hate him, and now he was talking to him like he was his own child? Well... it was certainly better than being treated like a dirty dog. Jon smiled, and nodded. "Good." Eduardo said. "I'll serve us some dinner, then we can do some stuff together."

~The next morning~

Jon woke up, feeling a bit more refreshed than he usually was. He woke up without the pain in his back, and he didn't have any bad dreams or anything of the sort. He rolled downstairs, where Eduardo was sitting at the table, reading the papers. In the middle of the table was not Jon's mug, but instead a normal cup of tea. Jon smiled, finally relieved that he had something else to drink for once besides hot chocolate. "Good morning, Eduardo." Jon chirped, sitting at his seat in the table. Eduardo weakly smiled. "Good morning, buddy." He said. "Mark had to leave early for work, so it's just you and me. I made some tea instead of hot chocolate, since I thought that you might be a little tiresome drinking the same thing every day."

Jon nodded his head, and took a sip of tea. It was very sweet, and sent tingles down his spine, which was an effect that hot chocolate didn't have on him. Jon smiled. "Thank you, Eddie." Jon said. His eyes widened as he immediately put his hand up to his face, realizing what he had just said. "No problem, kiddo." Eduardo said. Jon was surprised. Usually, Eduardo would clobber Jon for calling him Eddie, but he seemed to be fine about the situation. Jon finished his cup of tea, and made his way upstairs. Eduardo raised an eyebrow as he put his paper down. "Where are you going?" Eduardo asked.

"I'm going to my room." Jon replied. "It's where I always go after breakfast time, until lunch. Eduardo shook his head. "Not with me." He said. "Today, we're going to go shopping. I'll give you 10 pounds to spend on anything you'd like." "Really?" Jon asked, thrilled that could finally buy his own things. Eduardo nodded. "Really." He said. "You can buy anything you want, as long as it isn't anything dangerous.... not that you would buy something dangerous in the first place, anyways." Jon smiled. He leaned over in his wheelchair, and hugged Eduardo's legs. Eduardo blushed. "Hey, Jon?" Eduardo asked. "I would prefer it if you didn't hug me there... you know what I'm saying?" Jon realized what Eduardo was saying, then pulled away. "S-sorry, Eduardo..." Jon said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just got carried away and all..." Eduardo shook his head. "It's fine." He scoffed.

Eduardo and Jon walked to the store, which was only a few blocks away. "Well, it looks like we're here." Eduardo said, putting his hands on his hips. "Let's start shopping, shall we?" Jon was thrilled to be doing something besides the usual routine, which got boring incredibly fast. They walked into the store, which they were then immediately greeted by foul grimaces and disgusted scowls. Jon frowned as one of the passerbys hurriedly walked away, possibly trying to avoid him as much as possible. "Eduardo..." Jon said, looking down at the ground, "Am I... different?"

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