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~monday morning~
luna's pov//
ugh monday's. also known as the worst days of the week. another lonely day at school at least i had art today, it took me into another world. one i wish i could be in all the time. i got dressed and put on my jeans and lilac sweater. ah lilac one of my favorite colors. i got downstairs to here my parents arguing again. i forgot when their voices sounded like when weren't yelling at each other. to avoid having to be the mediator again i skipped breakfast this morning and walked straight to school. it was a colder morning here in trofors but i didn't mind the walk. it helped me think. i put in my headphones and tucked them under my beanie. i put some of my music on and before i knew it i was here at school. i sat in math class first period which i actually enjoyed because i was very good at math. i sat in the back as usual and while everyone was talking with their friends i was just sitting by myself writing in my journal. i carried it with me everywhere. it was a present from my father. class began and the teacher told us to all settle down.

teacher-"ok class quiet down! today we will be doing a worksheet you all have the rest of the class to finish it. if you are done early which i doubt many of you will be you may do other work."

she handed out the sheets and smiled at me.

teacher-"good morning luna."

luna-"good morning mrs. dawson."

i looked over the packet. it was all algebra problems. easy. after about 20 minutes i was done. i handed it in and the teacher was rather impressed.

martinus-"show off. *cough cough*

huh that was martinus one of the most popular guys along with his twin brother marcus. we actually used to be friends before they both got famous four years ago. i didn't really let his comments bother me. it wasn't the first time this had happened. marcus never seemed to be rude which was refreshing that his fame hadn't changed him. i always liked him but he never noticed me so why try. i don't really have any friends here. nobody seems to understand me.
i went back to my seat and started writing in my journal.

another day stuck in school. i find myself here again writing out the words i'm too scared to say. i like you marcus gunnarsen but you would never know that because well im me and you are you. people like us don't end up together. plus your brother is kinda mean to me. i miss you guys. fame changed people but not you marcus and i'm glad because you are a great person.

i skipped to the song section.

i'm six feet under and i'm falling through the cracks
i'm slipping away trying to find my way back
watching you walk away from me
escape from all of reality

i'm six feet under in this love gone bad
my broken heart is making me go mad
the tears fall down as you say goodbye
so hear me out just one more time

that's all i had. i went back to writing and i lost track of time cause the bell rang and class was over. everyone piled out and i did as well.

~skip to lunch~
i went to go sit inside by one of the spots by the window. as i was walking i felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned around and it was marcus.

marcus-"hi um sorry you dropped your journal."

luna-"oh thank you."

marcus-"see you around."

he went to go sit with his brother. thank god he didn't read that cause that would have been very awkward. i put my hood back up and kinda slumped down so nobody would see me. i don't really like to show my face. it's not that i don't like it's just...never mind. i was sitting eating when i felt a hand on my shoulder. next thing i knew my journal was ripped out of my hand. it was martinus.

martinus-"well what do we have here? meath geek has feelings that will be interesting to read."

luna-"give it back martinus."

martinus-"why should i?"

i didn't know what to say.

martinus-"exactly. another day stuck in school. i find myself here again writing the words i'm too scared to say. i like..."

before he could read the rest marcus grabbed it out of his hand.

marcus-"here you go luna."

luna-"thanks marcus."

i ran out of the room fast. i was glad martinus didn't get to the third line. if he knew i liked marcus he would make fun of me forever...

marcus pov//
i felt bad that luna ran out.

marcus-"martinus can't you give her a break? we used to all be friends don't you remember that?"

martinus-"yes i do. plus if you let me finish her reading i could have found out some stuff."

marcus-"martinus please don't be mean to her. she seems really nice and she never did anything to you."

martinus-"fine i will lay off the little nerd."


martinus-"why do you care so much about her

marcus-"well because she was always nice to us. even when we were famous and we kinda forgot about her she never forgot about us."

martinus-"yea your right. i guess we did kinda just leave her in the dark."

i split up from martinus and went to go towards my locker. i saw luna sitting on the ground. i went next to her.

marcus-"hi luna. i'm sorry about my brother. he can be a jerk sometimes."

luna-"it's ok i understand. you guys have a lot on your plate."

she was grabbing her bag to leave.


luna-"yea marcus?"

marcus-"do you want to come over sometime to hang out? you know like old times."

luna-"oh um i don't know marcus."

the bell rang and she turned to go.

luna-"i will see you around."

i watched her disappear into the shadows of the hallway.

eclipse [m. gunnarsen]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon