Is there Somewhere ( Part 2 ) - Dan Howell

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Hi there, so this part is All Dan's P.O.V. There's no warnings, just lots of Dan and some Fluff(:


Dan's P.O.V

Pacing. That's all I've been doing for the last two weeks, since I last saw Y/N. The first week I didn't try to contact her, knowing that she deserved a whole lot better than me. That only lasted that one week though, I needed to speak to her, to hear her voice. So, I called her and when she didn't answer, I called again and again. After the 20th time calling, the voicemail changed from her usual upbeat one, to an automatic voice telling me that the number had been disconnected. I let out a loud groan as I fell back onto my bed, while throwing my phone across the room, not caring if it broke. There was a quiet knock on my door, but since I didn't feel like talkng to anyone, I didn't mutter a single word. The door opened quickly and my best friend Phil emerged, with a slight glare on his face. " Dan! What's wrong with you? " he asked aggravated, which was odd because Phil almost never got angry. I shrugged, not knowing how to explain the situation. Phil knew I was dating Shelby and he knew Y/N, but he didn't know about the whole ' Friends with Benefits ' thing. " Fine, don't tell me, but do me a favor and call your girlfriend back, she won't stop calling my phone since you started ignoring her " Phil stated with a sigh, " It's not that easy Phil! " I exclaimed. " Why not? She's your girlfriend " Phil asked while looking at me confused, " I just can't... The truth is, I love somebody else and now she won't speak to me... I'm a shit person to just fall in love with someone, even though I already had a girlfriend " I yelled as I sat up and put my head in my hands. " You're talking about Y/N? " he then asked which caught me off guard, I looked up at him with my jaw dropped ( How did he know? ). " You talk in your sleep Dan, you only ever say Y/N's name... " he stated with a smirk, I furrowed my brows ( Did I really do that? ). " And when you two were together in public, you just looked at her differently, unlike how you look at Shelby " Phil smiled, I sighed deeply " Yeah, it's her. I love Y/N, but she hates me now ". " I'm sure she doesn't " Phil stated as he patted me on the back, " She does Phil, I fucked up big time and now she thinks I chose Shelby over her " I groaned running my hand through my hair. " Well, did you? " he asked giving me a confused look, " I mean I guess I did, but I never meant to make her feel the way I did " I sighed glancing down at the carpet. " Listen, I'm not entirely sure what happened between you two and don't worry, I don't want to know " he stated with a sigh, which caused me to chuckle at how innocent he truly was. " But, if you wanna even stand a chance with Y/N. You need to break things off with Shelby, no need to keep leading her on " he honestly said, " No matter how big of a hoe she is, no offense Dan, but I hate Shelby, why did you ever start a relationship with her! ". I shrugged, Phil was right, why did I ever begin a relationship with Shelby, we're so different. " I'll end things with her tomorrow, I just want Y/N back in my life " I muttered just loud for him to hear, which only brought a large grin to his face. " Great, I can't wait! " he stated as he clapped his hands, " Wanna order in a take away? ". I chuckled slightly while nodding, Phil quickly dashed out of my room, pulling his phone out of his pocket. I let out a deep sigh as I ran my hand through my hair, how was I supposed to prepare myself for breaking up with my girlfriend, only to be with another girl. Tomorrow is gonna be hard, but it's time to get it done.

The Next Day.

I made my way into the small cafe, around 2:05 pm. It was the same cafe Shelby and I first met at, I let out a deep sigh ( This is the only way to get the girl I really love ). I slowly made my way through the door and towards the table Shelby was already sitting at, she looked pissed... I quickly sat down in the seat across from her and sighed. " Hi... " I stated awkwardly, she scoffed " I haven't heard from you in almost 2 weeks and all you say is Hi... What the Hell Dan! ". I shrugged slightly, but kept my eyes on the table. " Why haven't you called me back? What have you been doing or should I ask, who have you been doing? " she the asked rudely, I sighed deeply " I just needed some time to myself, to think about things ". She scoffed once more folding her arms over her chest " You need time to think about things? What things! ", ( Just do it Dan, get it over with ) my mind yelled at me. " I was thinking about our relationship and if I wanted to continue being in it " I simply stated, as I watched the expression on her face change from mad to fucking furious. " Oh really? " she asked with a cocked eyebrow, " So what did you decide? ". I sighed deeply " I think we should break up ", " Oh you think we should, you can't just disappear for 2 weeks and then say you wanna break up, that's not how this relationship works! " she yelled but thankfully there wasn't many people in the cafe. " Oh yeah, but cheating on me with some of my friends, is how our relationship works " I asked catching her off guard, she looked at me shocked, but then quickly recovered her composure. " I don't know what you're talking about " she stated looking everywhere but at me, that's how I knew she was lying ( My friends had also told me what had happened, saying that they were both drunk, but I knew Shelby didn't drink much, she never did ). " I know every time you left my place, you were running to them. I know about your little affair with 3 of my friends and as for them, who knows how many other guys you were fucking behind my back, but it doesn't matter anymore, we're done " I honestly stated, she frowned " Can't we just start over Dan, I love you ". I let out a dry laugh " You don't cheat on someone you love " ( Which was true, because I didn't love her ), she rolled her eyes knowing I was seriously breaking up with her. " Fine, I did fucking cheat on you, multiple times and trust me, those guys were so much more satisfying in bed! " she exclaimed with a smirk on her face, probably trying to hurt me. I chuckled slightly " Guess what, I cheated on you to, through our entire relationship and guess what, I'm in love with that other girl ", the smirk on her face quickly fell from her face. " I can't believe you " she exclaimed loudly, I shrugged " You and I are exactly the same sweetie, except you cheated with multiple guys. I only ever slept with one girl and now if you excuse me, I'm going to beg for her forgiveness and get my girl back... So, I hope you have a nice life and try not to cheat on your next boyfriend ". After that I quickly stood up and left the cafe without another word, time to go get my girl, the one I should've been with this whole time.

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