Appreciated = Jack Howard

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( Point of View of Y/N )

It had been a long week, not only had I gotten into fights with my parents, boyfriend and most of my teachers. I’ve barely slept all week, Uni was running me ragged and I needed a break. A friend had invited me to a party later tonight, it was time to have some fun. I really haven’t seen my boyfriend Jack much and when I called him up to ask him to come to the party with me, he yelled at me for wanting to go. He said I could be doing better things and that partying to hard was just going to ruin my future, let’s say I ended up hanging up on him. ( I appreciated Jack so much, he’s always looking out for me, but I just need to unwind ).

I stood in the flat Jack and I shared, he was out with friends. Trying to avoid me, I guess so we wouldn’t fight again. I was looking through my wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear, I wasn’t looking to hook up so there was no need to slut it up tonight. I only wanted to drink, I just wish Jack would actually want to join me. After picking out an outfit, Jack had still not made it home yet. So I ended up just leaving, It was only a five minute walk to the party and when I got there let’s just say I drank the night away. [ 4 Hours Later ] It was now 2 am and I was standing in front of the flat door attempting to unlock it, but I was having some trouble. I was leaning up against the door the control my balance, but I was still swaying somewhat. A few seconds went by until the door swung open, so I ended up falling straight on my face. ” Ow ” I sighed, I was expecting a big ol’ lecture about coming home drunk. Or being out all night, but it never happened. He helped me up, ” Too much Vodka? ” he asked me. All I did was nod and groan, ” Come on then, Let’s get you to bed ” he smiled. He helped me to our bed and even took off my shoes for me, ” Thank You ” I muttered. He chuckled ” It’s Alright “, I instantly fell asleep not even bothering to change my clothes.

[ The Next Morning ]

The morning afters were always the worst for me, I hated hangovers and I knew that’s why Jack didn’t like it when I went to parties. I was now sitting on the bathroom floor, I had been there for an hour and a half. I was sick, crying and had one of the worst headache’s of my life at the moment. Jack walked into the bathroom with a sympathetic look on his face, ” Are you Okay? ” he asked me while handing me some aspirin. I shook my head ” I shoud’ve listened to you and stayed home “, He smiled ” I’m always looking out for whats best, but I know you’ll do whatever you want “. I sighed, he reached out with both of his hands. ” Come on, I’ll take care of you ” he smiled, I grabbed his hands and stood up. ” Whoa… Dizzy ” I exclaimed, he chuckled ” Y/N, come on “. He tucked me into bed, ” I’m sorry ” I sighed. He looked at me confused ” Why? “, ” Because you always take care of me at my worst and I just appreciate you so much, I just feel bad that I act immature sometimes. And sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve you ” I cried. He chuckled ” You always are so emotional when you’re going through a hangover “, I nodded ” I know “. He sat down next to me on our bed, ” Listen Y/N, you don’t always have to put yourself down. You do deserve me and you know I can be all immature too, don’t be sorry because I want to take care of you ” he smiled. ” Why? ” I questioned, he laughed ” Because I love you, you crazy girl! “. I smiled and hugged him, ” Why can’t I get a kiss? ” he frowned. ” Because I have throw up breath ” I giggled, ” I don’t care ” he exclaimed before kissing me. ” One day I’ll take care of you ” I smirked, he nodded ” Yeah, so if we go out next weekend You’ll let me be the drunkie for once? “. I nodded ” Yes “, we shook on it. ” Deal ” he smiled ” Now try to get some rest, call me if you need anything “, I nodded as I closed my eyes. ( I’m a Lucky Lucky Girl ), I thought as I drifted off to sleep. I’ll always appreciate him.

Why don’t you wait here while I borrow, something you said. That you should follow, Oh, Oh.


So this song is by a Band called Rixton, I Love It! I Hope you Enjoyed this story and Thank You so Much for Reading <3

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