Secondhand = Phil Lester / [ Part 2 ]

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Standing out back, behind work on a foggy Saturday night. I had been working the late shift all week just to have something to do, it was 11 pm and I was taking my 4th smoke break of the day. Recently I had taken later night shift’s, just so I could avoid Phil. Speaking of, it’s been 7 month’s since I last talked to him ( I know, Along time! ). At first I would occasionally answer his calls, but I don’t anymore. Sure it seems selfish, but I can’t bare to be around him. Because every time I am, I just seem to fall for him more. He’s still with Nicki and they’re still having the same problems, but it’s really none of my business anymore.

I walked back into the pet store and got back to stacking cans of cat and dog food, Lily was working with me tonight which was always much more fun. ” So what time are you working till tonight? ” she asked me, I sighed ” Till 2 am, I told Mary I’d do some stocking tonight “. She nodded, ” So I’ve got a date tomorrow ” she smiled. I rolled my eyes, ” With Josh? ” I smirked. She smiled ” Yeah “, I had to admit I was a bit jealous. Josh was a great guy and he was perfect for Lily, ” So when are you two going to just admit that you’re in a relationship with each other ” I smiled. She shrugged ” When you start talking to Phil again “, ” Ugh, not this again ” I sighed . ” What? All I’m saying is that you can’t just stop talking to him, especially when he needs a friend! ” she exclaimed, ” Lily, he’s got plenty of friends to help him with his problems ” I sighed. ” But none of them will willingly watch every episode of friends with him, Y/N you’re the only one that will! ” she stated, ( True ) I looked down. ” Lil, you know I can’t… ” I started but she interrupted me, ” Yeah, Yeah because of the feelings you have toward him. But you need to get out of this funk, because you never know when Nicki and him will break up and then you can make your move! ” she nearly shouted. I rolled my eyes, ” Not gonna happen ” I smiled. She shook her head, by 1:30 am Lily had already gone home. It was my night to lock up, so I was completely alone. I had the store music playing loudly, I was writing down the inventory and stocking the shelves. I was looking through the cat toy’s, I figured since I had been staying at work late I could get something for Zeus and Ace. That’s when I heard rustling from the back, I panicked.

I pulled out my phone ( Just in case ), ” Hello? ” I asked. I walked into the back. ” Shit, Eric!! ” I shouted, ” What? I forgot my phone ” he sighed. ” I thought you were a burglar ” I exclaimed, he chuckled ” Sorry, Hey Y/N are you working tomorrow? “. I nodded ” Yeah, 12 pm till 5 pm “, ” Cool, see you tomorrow ” he smiled as he left through the back door. I took a deep breathe and once 2 am hit, I quickly made sure that the doors and windows were all locked. Then I turned the alarm system on, my flat wasn’t to far from work. So I just walked home, ( Smoking the whole way ). When I walked through the front door, both of my cat’s came running to me. I dropped my purse on the sofa, ” Hello boy’s, were you both good today? ” I cooed. They both followed me into my bedroom, where I changed my clothes and took off any makeup I had on. Then I walked back into the lounge and collapsed onto the sofa, then pulled my phone out of my purse. There were a few missed calls ( Probably from Phil ), I stood up and made sure that the front door was locked. I picked up Ace and walked to my bedroom, I laid down with both cat’s and fell straight to sleep.

I woke up the next morning at 10 am thanks to alarm, ” Ugh ” I mumbled. I took a shower and put on my work clothes, I put down enough cat food to last them all day. ” Okay boy’s, I’ll be home late again. I’ve got important plans after work, so I’ll see you tonight ” I smiled at my cats, I locked the front door and then walked to work. Eric and Lily were already there, ” Morning Y/N ” Lily smiled. I rolled my eyes, ” It’s not the morning anymore, Lil! ” I sighed. She smiled ” I know “, ” So what’ve you got planned for afterwork? ” she asked. ” Uh…. Nothing! ” I exclaimed ( But she know’s me to well ),  ” Are you going back to that tattoo parlor? ” she questioned. ” Yes I am, I’m an adult! And anyways, what else am I supposed to do ” I questioned, before she could answer I put my hand in front of her face. ” If your answer has anything to do with Phil, I don’t wanna hear it! ” I sighed, Eric chuckled    ” Come on, Y/N! You need to get over him, Just move on “. ” Hmm, not interested ” I smiled, he smirked ” No No, What I mean is, if your not ever gonna get over him. You should at least talk to him, I mean you were the one who used to say that. If you couldn’t be in a relationship with him, you’d still want to be his friend “. I looked down, ” I know, but all that was before… “. I started, but I noticed Lily’s face light up. ” Look here he comes! ” she shouted pounting at Phil who was walking through the shop looking a bit lost, I glared at Lily and Eric. ” Really Guy’s ” I whispered, they nodded with evil grins on their faces. ” Y/N, be cool ” Lily smiled, I tried to act like I wasn’t interested but we all knew I was. I continued stocking the cat food, ” Hey Lily, Eric… Y/N. Does this place sell rabbit food? ” he asked awkwardly. ” Yeah and I think Y/N can show you were it is, because clearly Eric and I are busy stocking this here cat food! ” Lily smiled, I glared at her. ” Y/N, Help the customer! ” she exclaimed, ” Fine, Follow me ” I sighed with a fake smile. He did, ” So… What kind of Rabbit did you get? ” I asked ( Not only for my job, but because I was just curious ). He shrugged ” I don’t know, a brown one “, I chuckled. ” What? It wasn’t even my idea to get one. It was Nicki’s ” he sighed, I nodded but didn’t say anything.

We walked over to the rabbit supplies, ” So here’s the food section, I hope you find what you need ” I sighed trying to walk away as quickly as possible. ” Wait! ” he exclaimed, I stopped and slowly turned around. ” Yeah? ” I asked, ” Uh, I was just wondering how have Zeus and Ace been? ” he asked nervously. ( Really? ) ” They’re Fine ” I sighed, ” And how have you been ? ” he asked. ” I’m good…. ” I mumbled, ” Then why won’t you talk to me? ” he exclaimed. I shrugged ” I’m just having problems in my life, I need to sort them out “, he rolled his eyes. ” Why don’t I believe you? ” he questioned, ” It’s the truth ” I stated. ” Well I miss you, I miss our friendship ” he smiled, I looked down ( Okay, now the guilt was killing me ). I sighed ” I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of stopped talking to you for no reason “, he smiled ” Do you think you’d wanna grab a cup of coffee after work, catch up a bit? “. I nodded, ” I would, but I can’t tonight. I have plans already, um How about tomorrow? ” I questioned. He sighed and Smiled ” Definitely “, I smiled ” Well, good luck finding you rabbit food! “. He chuckled ” I don’t need it! “, I glanced at Lily who gave us a thumbs up. I rolled my eye’s ( Of Course this was her idea, Why am I not surprised ), the rest of the day went by fairly quick. At 5 pm I walked out of work and to the tattoo parlor that was down the road, ” Y/N! How are you? ” Mason smiled. ” Hello, I’m fine ” I smiled, ” And what were you looking to get today? ” he asked me. I handed him a picture    ( It had birds in flight and a really relatable sentence ), ” Something like this ” I smiled. ” And where would you like it? ” he asked, ” On my upper back ” I sighed. After an hour and a half of sitting in the chair, a younger ( very cute ) guy walked in. ” Mas! I’ve brought you some food! ” he shouted and then noticed me, Mason chuckled. ” This is my younger brother Ryan ” he stated shaking his head, I nodded. ” And what’s your name? ” the guy called Ryan asked ( Clearly he was trying to flirt ), ” Y/N ” I smiled. ” Cool ” Ryan smirked, ” Ryan please, I’m trying to work, so leave! ” Mason exclaimed. Ryan nodded and quickly winked at me before leaving, I rolled my eyes ( Guys like him are the reason I’m still single ). ” Sorry about that ” Mason sighed, I nodded ” It’s fine “. Around 9:30 pm Mason was finally finished with the tattoo, it was amazing. He placed a piece of gauze over the tattoo, I paid for it and thank’d Mason one more time before I left. I called for a taxi to take me home, when I walked in both of my cat’s were meowing like crazy. I took them to my room and instantly passed out, I was exhausted.

[ The Next Day ]

I sat inside of the small cafe waiting for Phil, it was the place we agree’d to meet at. I had on a tank top, because the new tattoo on my back was hurting and you could see the gauze. It was only a few minutes later when Phil walked in, ” Hey Y/N ” he smiled. ” Hey Phil ” I sighed, ” Whoa! is that what you were doing yesterday? ” he asked pointing to the large piece of white gauze. I nodded, ” Since when were you into tattoo’s ” he chuckled. I shrugged taking a sip of coffee, ” Since now ” I smiled. He nodded, ” So how have you been? ” I asked him. He shrugged ” I’m alright… I guess ” , ” Phil.. What’s going on? ” I asked him. He let out a sigh, ” I’m Fine sure, but my relationship isn’t! Nicki is so controlive, she never let’s me do anything alone ” he exclaimed. I was taken back a bit by his random outburst, ” Then how are you here right now? ” I asked. ” Well, she doesn’t exactly know I’m here. She’s at work right now ” he sighed, I nodded. Things got quiet for a few minutes, ” So are we friends again? ” he asked. ” Phil, I never stopped being your friend. I mean I guess it sorta looks like that, but I had my own issues to deal with and… I’m sorry…. Will you’ll forgive me ” I smiled, he grinned and nodded. ” I forgive you… If… ” He smirked, I rolled my eyes. ” Oh here we go ” I laughed, ” If you’ll agree to let me set you up with one of my friends, Lily told me you were having guy problems and I think my friend would be perfect for you! ” he exclaimed. ( Rip my heart out of my chest some more, why don’t you ) I thought about it for a few minutes, what could go wrong. If I can’t have the person I really want, why not move on and at least try to be happy. ” Sure ” I smiled, ” Really? Cool, so I’ll text you all the information ” he cheered. I nodded, we talked for another hour before he had to leave. I’m happy that we were finally talking, I still just wish things could be different between us.

Breath You in, Breathe You in, Take the spark with the Smoke. Breath You Out, Breathe You Out, Feel the Rush as I choke. I know it's Worth it baby, even if it's just Secondhand Secondhand love, love love


Yes, there were 5 parts to this Story, Thank you so much for Reading(=

Short Stories / Song Based.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن