Secondhand = Phil Lester/ [ Part 4 ]

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( Y/N P.O.V )

Lily and I were standing around in the Lush shop, looking at all the new products. ” So how are you and Josh? ” I smiled, she shrugged. ” He called me his girlfriend yesterday ” she said very casually, I smiled widely at her. ” Really? ” I exclaimed causing everyone in the shop to look at me, I smiled at them. ” Sorry ” I whispered, Lily chuckled ” Y/N, we’ve only been seeing each other for a few month’s “. I shrugged ” So, some people have gotten married after only knowing each other for a few weeks “, she shook her head. ” So how are you and that guy you’ve been seeing…. Uh What’s his name?… Riley?… Rocko? ” she said tapping her finger on her chin, I rolled my eyes. ” Ryan ” I smiled, ” Yeah, that’s it! ” she exclaimed picking up a bath bomb. ” We’re alright, it’s only been 3 weeks tho ” I sighed, ” Have you talked to Phil? ” she questioned. I shook my head, ” He’s Ignoring me now ” I stated. ” Well maybe it’s because of Ryan ” she smirked, we finished paying for our things and then walked to H & M. ” But Why? Phil’s the one who set me up with him ” I exclaimed, ” Maybe he secretly hoped you wouldn’t like him, I know I don’t like him ” she sighed. Lily never had a problem with speaking her mind, whether it was hurtful or not. ” Lil, Ryan and I have a lot in common! ” I stated, ” Y/N, but you and Phil were meant to be! ” she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes, ” Yeah well he’s got the perfect little relationship, I’m not gonna stand here and listen to this again Lily ” I sighed. ” Fine, just don’t complain when they get married! Because this is the time when you can tell him how you really feel, or you could lose him forever ” she stated, I nodded ” I’m not gonna tell him, because I know he doesn’t feel the same! “. She didn’t say anything else about it, we just continued shopping.

Lily and I took a taxi back to my place ( We were having a girls night in ), I hadn’t heard from Ryan all day. It was okay tho, there were days were we didn’t talk at all. When we walked in, I noticed that everything was out of place. Plants were knocked over, pictures that were normally hung up were now smashed on the floor. Ace and Zeus were under the kitchen table, huddled together because they were scared. ” Whoa, What happened here? ” Lily sighed looking quiet shocked, she knew I’d never leave my place like this. ” Just stay here ” I stated as I walked toward my bedroom. The TV was on, so I knew someone was in my room. I slowly walked into my bedroom, I stopped in place when I noticed that Ryan was passed out on the floor. He was in only his boxers and he definitely never made it to the bed, he had been struggling through an alcohol problem. I hated when he’d come over after drinking, because he would always turn into a completely different person. He was mean and obnoxious, I couldn’t stand it. Last week he barged into my flat and accused me of cheating on him, when I tried to tell him he was being stupid and a drunk he did the unspeakable. He smacked me across the face and then pushed me into the wall, I woke up the next morning sore and with small bruises on my face/ on my body ( From where I hit the wall ). I should’ve ended it that night, because of past family drama. * My family had been ripped apart from alcohol, my dad was a heavy drinker and used to beat my mum. She took me and my brother away from him, and now I haven’t seen him in years *. I knew the hits would happen more often and they did, I never said anything to Lily tho because I knew what she’d do. I picked up Ace, ” Can you grab Zeus? ” I asked her. She gave me a strange look, ” It’s Ryan, he’s passed out from drinking. Can we go over to your place? ” I questioned. She looked at me confused, but nodded. ( I should’ve never given him a key )

When we walked into Lily’s flat, her little ragdoll cat came prancing up to us. ( She was Zeus’s sister, except she was completely white ) ” Luna, look Zeus and Ace have come to play ” Lily smiled, all three cats ran off into another room. Lily and I changed into our pajama’ and then sat on her sofa, ” Let’s watch Friends! ” I suggested as I pouted. ” No! Y/N. I am not Phil ” she laughed, I smiled to myself. ” Fine, so what should we watch then? ” I questioned, ” Harry Potter? ” she suggested. I shook my head, ” Too long and then I’ll wanna just watch all 8 movies ” I sighed. ” How about we talk? Like about why your boyfriend trashed your place, or why you wanted to leave so fast ” she exclaimed, I glanced at the three cats that were cuddling on the floor. ” You acted as if you were afraid to be there when he’s drunk, what’s going on? ” she asked again, ” You know what, Harry Potter sounds like a good movie choice ” I sighed trying to change the subject. ” No! Y/N, you’ve got to tell me. I’m your best friend! ” she yelled, ” Lil, everything’s fine. You know I just don’t like it when people are piss drunk, its bad enough I had to deal with that shit when I was a child ” I smiled. She was about to say something else, but her front door suddenly opened. Josh walked in carrying a Chinese take away, he looked at us shocked. ” What are you two doing here? Y/N, I thought you were staying at your place ” he asked, Lily stood up and hugged him. ” No, her psycho boyfriend trashed her placed. So we decided to come here ” Lily sighed, ” We’ve established this before Lil, he’s not my boyfriend! ” I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes, ” Nice Pajama’s, Y/N ” Josh chuckled ( Randomly ). ” What! I like the Avengers! ” I laughed, ” Yeah, plus Phil gave those to her for Christmas ” Lily smirked. I glared at her, How about we watch The Avengers ” Josh smiled, Lily nodded and smiled. ” I’m cool with that ” I chuckled [ A Hour and a Half Later ] Lily and Josh had fallen asleep, I was cuddling with Ace ( As Usual ). My phone had been going off for most of the night, but I never answered it. I knew it was Ryan, I wasn’t up to talk to him at the moment. I shut off the Television and walked into the guest room, a good night’s sleep was what I needed. Plus I had to be awake at 10:30 am for a 12 pm work shift.

[ Next Day ]

I left Ace and Zeus at Lily’s flat, Josh was going to be there all day and I trusted leaving them with him more than Ryan. Lily and I walked happily into work together, we went straight to stacking and stocking shelves. After working for a few busy hours, Lily and I were out back taking a lunch break or in my case a smoke break. ” So I was thinking about last night ” she stated, ” Oh.. No ” I sighed. ” I know what’s wrong like why you wanted to leave so quickly last night ” she said looking at her lunch, ” Oh yeah and Why is that? ” I smirked. ” Because he’s hit you before, hasn’t he? ” she asked, I looked down. ” My gosh Y/N, why would you stay with someone like that? Like your father? ” she exclaimed, ” Maybe because I don’t feel like I deserve any better! ” I sighed. She shook her head, ” That’s not right! ” she exclaimed. ” Lily, nothings right about the relationship I have with him. Because it’s not real, I don’t have the same feelings for Ryan as I do for…. ” I sighed, ” Phil ” she whispered. I nodded, ” But then why don’t you break up with him? ” she questioned. I didn’t say a word, ”Are you afraid? Y/N, you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever known ” she exclaimed. I shrugged as we walked back into the building, ” Y/N, you need to end it ” she sighed. I nodded, ” I will ” I stated. Eric walked into work 20 minutes later, ” Well Y/N, you had fun last night didn’t you? ” he smirked. I looked at him confused, ” What? ” I asked. ” Last night, I saw you and Ryan at the bar together. All over each other ” Eric chuckled, ” I don’t know what you’re talking about, I was with Lily all night. I haven’t seen Ryan since yesterday morning ” I exclaimed. ” You say they were all over each other, like how? ” Lily asked, Eric shrugged ” Kissing, groping each other mostly “. I felt a sense of relief, but I was also a little pissed off. After Eric walked away Lily looked back at me, ” Looks like he’s not just abusive, he’s also a cheater ” she stated. I took in a deep sigh, ” It ends tonight ” I sighed. 

I worked until 6 pm, then picked up Ace and Zeus from Lily’s flat. By the time I got home it was half seven, Ryan wasn’t there. I spent most of the night cleaning up the huge mess he left, I collapsed onto the sofa after I finished. My phone started to ring, ” Hello? ” I asked. ” Y/N? ” Ryan asked,             ” What? ” I sighed. ” Don’t use that tone with me, you know I’m at a party right now and they’re are plenty of girls that I could have right now ” he shouted, I sighed. ” Then just fucking do it, I don’t care! ” I exclaimed as I hung up, This so called Relationship is Over.

I know that you're no good for me, you make me weak as I can be, bad habbits, there is just no good breaking free


Only one more part. I Hope you've Enjoyed and Thank You so much for Reading (=

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