Mean = Joe Sugg

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( Point of View of Y/N )

You see I live in a very small town, everybody know’s everybody. There are no secrets and everyone is as Fake as can be. One of my biggest dream’s is too be an artist and to live in a big city. I want to actually make something of myself, unlike most of the people I go to school with. The past few month’s have been hell and exhausting, It’s only because of one person.

[ Wednesday ]

I walked through the long corridor in school, just trying to keep to myself. ” Hey Slut ” he chuckled knocking my books out of my hands, I glared at him ( Why can’t he just leave me alone ). ” Aw, is someone gonna cry? ” he snickered to his friends, I rolled my eyes but didn’t say anything. I bent down to pick up my books, ” Of Course, the little bitch never know’s how to stand up for herself ” he smirked. I finished picking up my things and pushed past him ( Urgh, I hated him so much! ), I walked to class and sat in my seat. Thankfully I didn’t have to spend the next hour trying to contain my hatred toward Joe, because he wasn’t in that class. After a peaceful hour I walked into the courtyard and sat under a large tree, I pulled out my lunch bag. I heard a familiar laugh coming my way, I chose to ignore it. ” Eww, you realize you should cut down on what you eat. You’re lookin’ a little chubby ” Joe grinned, ( Why does he have to be so mean ). Even though it was hard to ignore all the hurtful words that were coming out of his mouth, I did. ” Aw, the little bitch is trying to ignore me ” he chuckled, grabbing the book I had been reading out of my hand. ” Maybe she like’s you ” One of his friends snickered, I looked at him disgusted ” Ew, Fuck no. Now Give me my book back! “. Joe laughed ” Oh, are you getting mad Y/N? “, I rolled my eyes. ” Come on, tell me what you really think ” he chuckled along with his friends, I stood up and grabbed the book from his hands. I ended up throwing my lunch away and walked back into the building, as I walked I heard him and his friends all laugh in the distance.

After school I rode the bus home, where again I was alone. My mum and dad were always at work, they barely ever talked to me anymore. I guess they thought everything in my life was fine, that I was happy but I wasn’t. I always moped around, once I got home from being tortured everyday. All I ever did was cry, sometimes all night. I slowly stopped eating, every time I looked in a mirror I saw every flaw I had. And when I was in school Joe would point them all out, it always made things worse. But I got amazing paintings or drawings from my depression, Art and music were the only thing that would brighten my my day. I didn’t have any friends, cause everyone thought I was weird Thanks to Joe.

[ Friday ]

After a few days of humiliation, I was done letting Joe walk all over me. I walked into school with me head down, just trying to block everyone out. I had not had the best morning, and I really didn’t feel like fighting with anyone. But I was quickly thrown into a pit of fire, ” Oh god Y/N, actually showed up today ” Joe smirked. ” Why, You have no friends, no one actually cares about you here ” , I tried to walk past him but he wasn’t going to allow it. ” Come on Y/N, I want to know ” he chuckled, I was finally able to push past him. ” That’s right, run away again little bitch ” he snickered ( Not today ), I slowly turned around and glared at him. ” Oh look Joe, I think it’s going to speak ” one of his friends laughed, I stared at them for a few seconds before I spoke up ( Or shouted ).

" You all think your just so clever, Don’t you? Well guess what! I can’t wait to see you in a few years, because I know you’ll all be here in the same place. Doing the exact same thing that your doing now, which is fucking nothing! People are going to stop fucking listening to you and I can’t wait to see it! " I paused to catch my breath, " Oh but I won’t be here, I’ll be in a big city. I’ll have a life, unlike you boys. Because all you are is a Liar and Pathetic…. And alone in life and All your ever gonna be is Mean!. So you can continue to make fun of me, but you’re words don’t faze me anymore! " I smirked as I left them all in disbelief of what just happened. I walked to class that day with my head held high for once, and that was the last day I ever heard any cruel comments from Joe. He found somebody else to torture, but as long as I was around I was not going to let him hurt someone else. Not like how he hurt me!!

You, with your switching sides. And your wildfire lies and your humiliation. You have pointed out my Flaws again, as if I don’t already see them!


Thank You for Reading my short little story (=

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