Hotel Ceiling = Ben Cook

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( Ben's P.O.V )

Those moments where you wish you could take everything back, those moments where you lose the one you Love.

It’s been 2 weeks since she has kicked me out, but it’s been 3 weeks since she caught me with another girl. I never planed on cheating hell Y/N and I have been together for almost 3 years, but the spark was lost between us. Our relationship went from spontaneous and ever lasting Love, too fighting all the time. I started spending more lonely nights on the couch and we pretty much just stopped talking to each other, I tend to do some pretty stupid things when the person I love ignores me. It all started with a party, Y/N and I had just had a major falling out and I needed to have some fun. I saw her across the room and I knew I had to have her, she dressed differently than Y/N and maybe that’s what I liked. I don’t anymore, it was stupid and meaningless. I don’t even remember what her name was, and now I regret everything.

The day it happened, the day Y/N caught us. I was stupid to bring her home, but Y/N she told me she’d be out all day. ( She wasn’t = the Fight ) Y/N walked into the lounge where the girl and I had been, ” Ben!? ” Y/N shouted. I sat up sighing, but didn’t say anything. ” Who are you? ” the girl asked Y/N, ” I’m his Fucking girlfriend! ” Y/N shouted ” Now get your skanky ass out of my house! ” . I had already started to put my clothes back on as the girl left, ” What the Fuck Ben ? ” Y/N shouted. I shrugged ” You should’ve noticed that something was up “, she put her hands on her hips ” Oh Really! And how the Hell was I supposed to know you’d be doing something like this. God I knew our relationship was changing but I didn’t think it was this bad ” she cried. I put head in my hands ” Y/N what do you expect, you just stopped talking to me. Fuck you even stopped touching me, I felt like you didn’t want me anymore! ” I shouted, she shook her head ” So this is my fault? I’m not the one who’s fucking Cheating!! ” she paused ” And I never stopped caring about you, and instead of talking to me about how you’ve been feeling. You fucked someone else…. Now pack your shit, this is over ” she sobbed as she walked into the bathroom. Y/N was right instead of just talking to her and letting her know how I felt ignored, I fucked this whole thing up. As I packed most of my clothing into a suitcase, I could hear her crying in the bathroom. It killed me when I walked out that door, there were so many good memories invested into that flat. I ended up staying in a nice hotel, but since I was in it I considered it a shit hole. Drink after drink, I downed them. At first I didn’t care, about anything I even thought of calling that girl to come by. But the more I drank it just brought up more good memories of the life I used to have, of the one I Loved.

2 weeks later she paid me a visit, but only to bring me my cell phone which I had forgotten at the flat. I had missed her so much, all I wanted to do was try to talk to her. ” Y/N, Please Please. Let me explain why I did it! ” I begged, she shook her head ” You did it because your a guy, you have a dick. That’s it! ” she spat ” You weren’t getting any at home, so you went out and found yourself another bitch. I get it “. ” No! that’s not it. Will you just come in and let me tell you? Please ” I exclaimed, she stared at me for a few seconds. ” Fine, you’ve got 5 minutes ” she said as she walked through the door, the room was a mess but I didn’t care. She sat on the bed and didn’t say anything, so I guessed I should be the one to start talking. ” Y/N, you remember how we used to be. Y/N we were so in Love, what happened between us? ” I asked, she shrugged ” I guess we fell out of Love “. ” That’s Bullshit and you know it! Why did you start ignoring me? ” I exclaimed, she sighed ” I thought you were going to explain your side, not ask me all these questions!! “.

I nodded ” Fine, by the end I could tell we were going downhill. I thought about ending it sooner, like when I first started seeing that other girl. But Y/N you have to believe me, I still care about you! ” I looked at her, there were tears running down her face ” How long ” Y/N asked me. ” What? ” I stared at her confused, anger and sadness read on her face ” How long did you see her, how many times did you sleep with her? ” she demanded an answer. I sighed ” Y/N “, I reached for her hand. ” Don’t touch me! Answer the question Ben ” she exclaimed, I sighed ” 4 times, I slept with her 4 times “. She nodded with tears streaming down her face ” Well I hope you two will be very fucking happy together ” she cried as she stood up and walked to the door, ” Y/N please don’t go! ” I shouted. She turned around and glared at me ” No Ben, you’re the one who gave up on us. Don’t you think I could’ve done the same thing, there were plenty of guys who flirted with me. The only difference between you and I is that I actually fucking Loved you, you stupid asshole ” she sobbed as she sped out of the room. I should’ve gone after her, I could’ve shown her that I still Loved her but now what was the point.

I collapsed onto the bed, it was 10:50pm. I stood up and grabbed the bottle of whisky, ” Well there’s nothing better to do now ” I sighed. I drank a few glasses of it and the switched on the TV, the new’s was on. I just laid down and listened to it, most of it was a lot of stupid chatter. Then a special broadcast came on ” Braking New’s, an accident has accrued. We’ve been told that the young female victim has been identified as ( Y/F/N and Y/L/N ), her vehicle was hit on the driver’s side by an on coming truck. The police think she was instantly killed, but there’s no way to be sure. The police have also been trying to contact anyone who know’s her, We here are very sorry for her family and Loved one’s ” The news woman explained.

I stared at the ceiling not knowing what to do, could it be true. I could hear my phone ring and ring, but I didn’t want to believe what was happening. I didn’t sleep much that night, I didn’t move either I just continued staring at the ceiling. When the sun started to shine through the curtains I continued on with my drinking, while I listened to the voice mails I had on my phone. Most of them were my friends, but nobody really knew what to say. I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling again, now I had no reason to get up. I couldn’t possibly go back to our flat now that she was gone forever, and I’d eventually have to face people. But for now all I thought about were the good memories that we shared, ” I’ll always Love You Y/N ” I whispered as I feel into a deep sleep.

I'm tryna Hold on to the Sweetest Felling, So I'll never let you go. Don't you Leave me Lonely Now…..


So this Song is one of my favorite Song ever it’s very Beautiful, but it sad. It’s by a Group called Rixton, I think everyone should listen to it at least once and you’ll fall in Love with it!! This was actually one of my favorite stories, that I wrote. So I Hope you Enjoyed it and Thank You for Reading <3

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