Chapter 3- Sweet Treats

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(A/N) Hi guys! Well, Yay! Newt and Tina Reunited! (I'm sorry it wasn't a more touching moment, I'm waiting for the right time.). I'm a shipper of Tewt, and Jaqueenie. For now, I'm trying to think of heart touching moments (I have some, don't worry) *Cue evil laugh and creepy hand rubbing But anyways, I hope you liked it! Please comment! I would really love some feedback. I don't get any, how am I doing? Anything you want to see? I can't know what you want if you don't tell me!

Newt patiently waited on the inside of the alley, catching quick glimpses of himself in the mirror now and then.

"I'm still impressed with this disguise, barely I know its me when I look in the mirror."

Newt looked down at his case. For a split second his heart dropped, but he quickly remembered he changed the outside of the case. He hoped nobody walked by and saw him in the alley, seemings he was dressed in all black. He was quite a ways back though, so nobody should see him.

"Newt?" A voice called from the end of the narrow alleyway. In the darkness Newt squinted his eyes and saw the silhouette of a figure. He immediately realized it was Tina.

"I'm here" He said walking towards her.

"Okay good. Say, lets stop by Jacobs bakery, pay him a visit."

"I don't know, we might have a hard time getting in from what I've heard." Newt said walking out.

Tina chuckled a bit, not at the comment but at a remembrance at how little Newt looked at anyone in the eye. He rarely did to her, but on some occasions he did. He usually had his head down and hunched over. Tina looked at him. He was walking, looking around. She had always had a curiosity about his behavior. She had guessed it was a mix of not much human interaction for a while, and being more accustomed to his creatures, and maybe from all those years of convincing his beasts he was small, harmless and not a threat at all, he convinced himself too. One thing she remember him by was his eyes. It wasn't the colour as much as it was the light behind them. There was something she never seen before, it was a passion that shown through. She never forgot the way his eyes twinkled the last time they had seen each other. Tina cleared her mind, thinking it was childish to think about things like that. They were just friends, nothing more. She saw a long line of people coming from a shop ahead. People were walking out, bags in their hands, some were eating. Following her seeing the bakery, a wonderful scent caught her attention. They walked up, Tina gawking at the bakery itself.

"So Queenie was right, this place is amazing." Tina whispered.

Newt looked at her, amused at her reaction, which was about the same as his.

"I would say lets go in- but..." Newt said.

After a few minutes of waiting in line, they had finally made it inside. Jacob wasn't at the front desk. After being a few people from the front of line, he had emerged, arms full of boxes.

"Okay everyone who needs dozens can come over here!" Jacob yelled over the chatter of all the people. Another man went over to take the orders of the group of people who had moved over, Jacob quickly went back to man the register when him and Newt and Tina caught eyes. He abruptly stopped, wide eyed but smiling at them. Tina timidly waved at him, Jacob who was still in shock waved back.

"Why do I feel like what were about to do is gonna get me fired?" Tina whispered to Newt, just loud enough for nobody to hear but him.

"Because you worry far too much" Newt said plainly.

"Hey Tina! Wow, it's been awhile!" Jacob looked around, making sure nobody was watching them. "Never really forgot about you." He turned his voice to a whisper. "Did you hear Newts back in town? Ran into him on my way here. It was real great seeing him, after I recognized him of course."

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