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Tyrant's P.O.V.

I recalled when she was sleeping on the bed and the nightmare she was having. My sweet Rosemary was an angel, but I knew that Blake was not worthy of her.

I only showed her what her future would hold if she picked her decision. I was watching her dream from my cauldron, I even let Heather take her back because I knew how everything would work out.

In her dream, I saw that if she went with Blake she would be turned into a housewife that would never leave, never have friends, and her children would turn out to be little monsters. Then I also showed her how much fun she would have with her friend Jake.

I had found out that in order for her to return to her realm she would only have to fall in love with someone. That someone didn't have to be the nutcracker.

I always figured she had a soft spot for that boy. I was just never a hundred percent sure until I saw it in that dream. I made sure that everything else happened though, such as her three friends randomly making an appearance in the other realm.

I also needed to change how the curse was lifted. I know that Rosemary has a heart and would have been devastated if Blake was forever a piece of wood, but I wouldn't have been complaining. To make sure that she was truly happy in the end though, I used my powers to make sure that Blake wouldn't turn into a piece of wood and would instead remain human along with his family.

I felt someone move around in my arms and looked down. I was met with sparkling blue pools while her soft brown hair was laid out everywhere on my chest.

In our future, I could see her one day being my wife and us living happily together. I know for a fact that she would bear twin boys and then a set of twin girls and they would all be absolutely stunning.

She moaned softly while yawning and looking up at me. I kissed her forehead and gave her a small smile.

"Morning my love," I said while staring into her lovely eyes. We have been together for five years and soon I plan on proposing, I'm just waiting for the right time too propose.

"Morning Jake," she smiled while leaning forward towards me. I kissed her passionately while thinking how she will never find out that her best friend also ended up playing the villain in her story.

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