Chapter 12-The real Sugar-Plum Princess

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Chapter 12-The real Sugar-Plum Princess

Heather's P.O.V.

Once the fire died down Blake, or Nutcracker, was able to untie me and Caitlyn. It was at least a half hour from when Tyrant took my sister that we all finally made it inside.

No one said a word, I just cried. My sister is gone, and the only way I can save her is if I fall in love, with someone I can't love. Yes, I said can't.

Blake is not my type, with mine and my sisters relationship that's all I want to work on, I don't want any other boyfriends.

It was at least another half hour until I walked into one of the rooms and lied down in the bed. I cried myself to sleep, not believing that my sister was gone. She sacrificed herself for me, and I can never see her again with the promise she made, and it was all for my safety.


"Rose!" I cried out. I was wondering some dark woods, all I wanted was my older sister by my side. Yes she was my older sister, by a minute, but I am the younger sister. No one ever knew that I was the younger sister though, no one ever asked and neither of us ever told anyone.

"Heather?" A shocked voice said from right behind me. I turned around to see a crying, confused, and happy Rosemary.

I ran into my sisters arms, well, I just ran to her. It took her a while for her arms to wrap around my waist. I was crying with happy tears, my sister was ok.

"Heather, y-you're alive," Rosemary said, disbelief. I looked at her with wide eyes, what in world did she mean?

"Rose, what are you talking about? Why wouldn't I be alive?" I asked Rose. I didn't understand what she meant.

"T-tyrant, h-he showed me something in his cauldron. It s-showed all of you guys d-dying," Rose cried out. I started at her in disbelief. Was she really going to believe anything that Tyrant said? I do not believe my sister!

I grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes before saying, "Rose, are you honestly going to believe anything that he says? Never believe him when he tells you that we're dead, we're all alive and crying over losing you."

"Heather, I'm the Sugar-Plum Princess. Tyrant knew all along, he was going to kidnap you at first because I would have came for you. He never even said that you were the real Sugar-Plum Princess," Rose explained to me. My eyes widened in shock, this can't be happening.

"Rose, you have to get away from him, you have to fall in love with Blake so we can go home," I told Rose. Her eyes just started to tear up.

"Heather, I can't, I'm stuck here. I made the deal that I would stay with him and never try to run. If I even think about it, my body will freeze so I can't do anything," Rose explained to me.

I hugged my sister tighter, not wanting to let go of her. I don't care, I'm coming to rescue her. She's my sister, she risked her life for me when we really need her to fall in love with Blake so we could leave this place.

"Well than, expect a visit from me soon. When I wake up, I'm leaving to come find you. There are no if, and's, or but's, we protect each other no matter what," I explained to Rose.

"There's no arguing there," Rose replied with a smile. Neither one of us let go of each other.

"Just promise me one thing, the next time we see each other neither of us will be hurt and we'll still be the same person we are now," I proposed. Rose seemed to hesitate and raised my eyebrows at her.

"Not sure that it's a good deal, but I promise, I'll do my best," Rose said. I pulled away from Rose, I wanted to wake up and find Rose.

"Where are you going, Heather?" Rose asked me. She looked so scared, helpless, vulnerable. Tyrant will pay if he harms my sister, he'll still pay for turning her into this.

"I'm going to wake up, leave, and come find you. You're not stopping me, I'm coming to save you, and nothing will stop me," I informed Rose.

I started to wake up, leaving Rose in that creepy forest all by herself. I just hope I can get to her in time before anything happens.


I woke up and found myself curled up in the same bed I fell asleep in. It was early morning, my guess would be that Caitlyn and Blake would still be asleep.

I quietly got my boots and jacket on. I opened the door and quickly checked to make sure Blake and Cailtyn weren't awake.

I know who Blake was, Mr. bad boy in our school. But I never knew that he was the reason Rosemary was unconsious for three days, and he's suppose to fall in love with my sister. I doubt she'd fall in love with him.

I walked out the front door, into the freezing snow, and started trying to find my way to my sister. I didn't know where I was going, but it was like I could tell where she was.

It was a couple hours of me walking that I still couldn't find her. Well, Tyrant did take a horse, so it's probably another hour or two away from where I am. I didn't even come up with a plan on how to get her out of there yet.

I jumped when I heard a twig snap right behind me. I turned around, and you'll never guess who came out from behind a tree, it would just be my luck. Blake and Caitlyn.

"What are you doing? We have to get you to the castle," Caitlyn told me, looking at me like I was crazy. I just turned around and kept walking, then I remembered that they don't know the truth.

"Tyrant has the Sugar-Plum Princess, and I plan on saving my sister if it's the last thing I do," I told Caitlyn and Blake, with my back to them. It was silent for a while, my guess is that they were taking in the new information.

"I always had a feeling that Rosemary was the real Sugar-Plum Princess, but she was so different than my ancestors that I never thought she could be the real one. With that promise she made we need a plan on how to get her out," Caitlyn explained.

Then, I finally got an idea, and it was a pretty good one to. Hopefully, it will work though.

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