Chapter 17-One messed up fairytale

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Chapter 17-One messed up fairytale

Rosemary's P.O.V.

I started to be able to move my fingers again, but I couldn't see anything yet. As soon as I moved my fingers I heard movement to my right. It almost sounded like a chair falling.

"Guys, she's waking up!" I heard someone yelled. I tried to peel my eyes open and instantly closed them when the room was too bright for me. I raised my arms over my eyes to shield my sensitive eyes.

I started coughing a little before I took a look around the room, not recognizing any of it. Where am I now? Who was the person that knocked the chair over? I looked towards the floor to see a chair knocked over, but no one was around the chair, or even in the room for that matter.

I looked up when I heard footsteps approaching and was surprised to see my sister, Heather. She ran to the bed and gave me a bear hug while I noticed Blake and Caitlyn come into the room also. Blake was still a piece of wood and my mood fell when I realized that I must have been dreaming.

"W-what? H-how?" I tried to asked, but my brain was still fuzzy, recalling everything that I had dreamed about and everything that happened with Tyrant before that.

"Heather thought of a plan to rescue you, Tyrant didn't seem to be around so it was pretty easy to escape with you," Caitlyn explained while Heather finally let go of me. Blake was leaning against the bed post, not saying anything when I suddenly got tackled by more people.

My head hit the pillows before I could even see the faces of my attackers. My eyes widened in shock when I saw my three best friends in the whole world hugging me. This only confused me more because I wasn't sure how they got here when they weren't suppose to be in this world in the first place.

"How did you guys get here?" I questioned the three of them before looking at my sister, Blake, or Caitlyn for an answer.

"The guards just found them wondering around and Heather recognized them immediately, other than that, we're not sure how they got here," Blake vaguely explained.

Jake stepped back while Amanda and Melody were still hugging the life out of me.

"Where are we anyhow?" Jake asked while taking a look around the room. I tried crawling out of the covers when the girls finally decided to let me breath again.

"Another world that none of you will remember once you wake up," Blake explained while walking out of the room. I narrowed my eyes at him, not knowing what was up with his attitude. Then again, I have a feeling he is always like that.

"Why won't we remember this place," Heather asked while looking at Caitlyn for answers. I turned my head to look at Caitlyn too and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not sure, then again we've never had more than one 'Clara' come through into this world," Caitlyn explained to us while referring to me as Clara. It was very ironic since I was Clara in the winter ballet that we preformed.

"So what happens now?" Amanda asked while her and Melody stood up from the bed. They had both been currently sitting on it. I stood up with them while walking over towards the closet to retrieve my boots, realizing that I'm still in the dance costume. I groaned, not liking that I'm still in the same clothing and wishing to change.

"Blake and Rosemary fall in love so we can all leave," Heather stated. I froze while reaching down for my boots. I let out of breath before sitting down to slide my feet into the boots.

"Why do they have to fall in love?" Melody asked, not liking the idea at all. I looked over at my friends to see that they now had frowns on their faces, none of them liking the idea of me being with Blake since I always end up getting hurt from him.

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