Chapter 4-The Nutcracker

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Chapter 4-The Nutcracker

Rosemary's P.O.V.

It's now December 24th. I was unconscious for three days, it wasn't safe for me to get out of bed for another four days.

After that everyday I practiced with Caitlyn at the dance studio, and everyone was happy that I was back on my feet and feeling better.

Caitlyn was relieved that I was ok and asked me what happened that made me unconscious. But honestly, I can't remember what happened after I left Caitlyn's house that night. Doesn't matter, I'm all better now and that's what matters.

School is just about to end and I'm going to meet up with Caitlyn, so we can both head down to the orphanage together.

I never saw Blake yet, and I really wasn't planning to run into him. My parents forced my sister to go see The Nutcracker.

Nothing else really happened during the weeks, once I was back on my feet it was a routine, go to school, have rehersal after school, and practice some more with Caitlyn.

Caitlyn and I have gotten so good with our routine that we have it memorized. None of our moves are out of place, and there's nothing either one of us could do for us to make it any better.

I saw Caitlyn in the hallway and grabbed her so we could start our twenty minute walk to the studio. Once we get there we're going to practice some more, this time in our costumes, and hopefully nothing will be out of place.

Nothing has really been out of place for the past week, but something could always go wrong.

Caitlyn's P.O.V.

The show was amazing! Thanks to Rosemary I didn't mess up one single time, and my parents got my brother to even show up for my show.

We had just finished and was about to start the little party that we bring to the orphanage. But I ran straight to my parents and brother. My brother isn't really happy because once the girl that's suppose to have the nutcracker, opens her gift, Blake will turn into wood.

Let's just hope she opens it later so I can spend some more time with my brother. My parents both hugged me while I hugged my brother. There was no way I could make him forget about tonight.

"Blake, don't worry about it now. It's Christmas Eve, everything will work out just fine," I explained while hugging my brother. I really didn't want him to leave me, but I knew this would be happening soon.

"There's nothing changing that I have to save this world and the other. Along with the help from some girl that I don't even know," Blake mumbled the last part. Yea, not really to thrilled about the whole nutcracker thing.

We all walked into the room we set up for the party, there was a tree there with envelopes underneath it, but I also saw a little box under there, probably for our teacher.

Once I got my enveloope I opened it and read it. It was the same as it was every year, thanks for the show, you were amazing, and some other stuff. It always warmed my heart to read something like that.

I turned with a smile on my face until I saw what I feared the most, Blake was starting to disappear. We were in public which was the worst part.

"Hurry son," My father whispered. Blake quickly ran out of the room so no one could see him disappear into thin air. A lonely tear ran down my cheek, I really hope this isn't the last time I see my brother.

He can do this, he can defeat the mouse king and rescue his princess, he's protected me all of his life, now he has someone else to protect. He will suceed.

Rosemary's P.O.V.

I never saw Caitlin during the party, but I was surprised to find that instead of our teacher getting the box, it said it was for me. The weird thing was it never said who it was from.

I was even surprised to find that there was a nutcracker in it when I opened it. It reminded me of the amazing show that we put on. The nutcracker's eyes were closed but it had black hair, it was even perfect.

It looked possibly brand new, like no one ever touched it. My friends said it was an amazing gift, but my sister didn't really care.

I wanted to show Caitlyn it, but I never spotted her at the party. Once we were home, it was around ten at night. I was really tired and I could tell that Heather was to.

Heather was in some snowman pants, and was wearing a tank top under her jacket. She just plopped herself on the couch which was next to the fire.

I placed my new nutcracker on top of the fireplace and didn't bother changing before plopping myself down on the other couch.

I had my costume under my gray baggy pants and gray sweet jacket. Both of our boots were on the floor next to the couches.

"Merry Christmas," I mumbled to Heather, but of course I didn't hear anything back. With that said and done, I closed my eyes, waiting for Christmas to be here and wishing my parents could also be here. I haven't seen them in forever.

I wish, that when I open my eyes on Christmas, my parents will walk through that front door and we can spend Christmas as a family, together.

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